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Are they worth it?

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A guy at work asked me if I would be interested in buying some monitors,I said maybe what kind are they? Peavey he sez, I tell'em bring one to work and we'll see. Well they were peaveys alright but a model I was unsure of...

112TLM. I did a search on them...nothing. Couldn't find ANY info on them. They are in great condition,1-12" and a horn,2 1/4" jacks and a level control,metal grills,metal pole mount and ability to set at two different angles.

I figure these are probably pretty low level monitors. He's asking 150 bucks for 4 ,they may be a decent deal for practice house jams.

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I've been using a 112TLM and a TLM-2 for years. One model replaced the other. Although the specs changed, they seem about the same, with the exception of the volume control on the 112TLM. They are fine, and that is an excellent deal. In fact, I bought an SP-12M when I got a deal on it, and I've yet to use it, as the 2 TLM's seem to be matched well and do the job. I ab'd them with the SP-12M in my kitchen one time, and I honestly couldn't tell the difference. I suspect that would change under volume in a band setting, and I plan on getting another SP-2M just for the feeling of upgrading, but the TLM's work for me for bar band gigging. In fact, I showed up at a gig last Friday expecting to use the house mains, but found they only accepted 1 quarter inch plug (and one speakon, of which I don't have any cables), so I used one house main for a monitor and used my TLMS for mains, and they got us by just fine.

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