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Crate 1400C power amp

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First off, I know this probably isn't that great of an amp but. I am getting no input signal, anyone have any ideas what might be causing this? I don't really have the money for a new one so if there might be something I can do I would like to. I replaced all fuses but I don't know where to go from there. It does power up, I don't know if it has any output anymore because I can't get any input signal.

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Yes, sorry to be so vague. The signal lights do not stay on, but they do not blink when I put a signal to the amp. I have not run any test on the amp except for the fuses. I replaced the amp with another exact setup and everything works fine.

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First off, I know this probably isn't that great of an amp but. I am getting no input signal, anyone have any ideas what might be causing this? I don't really have the money for a new one so if there might be something I can do I would like to. I replaced all fuses but I don't know where to go from there. It does power up, I don't know if it has any output anymore because I can't get any input signal.


I had the old Audio Centron version of that amp and it was a tank. I pushed it night after night for about 7-8 years and it never even hiccupped. Hopefully, it is something minor and you can have it going again. Don't feel the least bit sheepish for using it.

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Generally, the signal present indicators are fed from the output of the amp. This isn't always the case but is often so.


Without test equipment and knowledge/experience working on linear electronics, all you are likely to do is further damage the amp or hurt yourself. Time to find a technician.

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Thats all I needed to hear Agedhorse, thanks for the comments all. One last question, is the amp worth taking to a tech? I can get a good used amp for around $300 (RMX). I am just guessing this one will cost me a minimum of 150 - 200 to fix with parts and labor.

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