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Question about Church Speakers

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My Live Sound teacher and I are overhauling a sound system for a theatre in a church. Problem is, they are on an extremely tight budget. Their current system is an atrocity from the 70s that sounds absolutely horrible (think Radio Shack components).


We want to mount speakers underneath the rafters angled down, and saw the Peavey Sanctuary Series SSE 26. However, at $449 apiece, they're a bit pricey. We need four of them.




Does anybody make a speaker that mounts similar to this, that costs less? Cost is an issue, and ANYTHING is honestly better than what is in there right now. The use is mostly for theatre work. They may do musicals in the future, in which they will have to add a powered sub, but at the current time, it's just dialogue.


All help is appreciated!

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Ox, be careful not to get 'sucked into' this situation. Churches are either ridiculously wealthy, or dirt-poor. The rich ones too often throw money at the problem, with have mixed results that can be blamed on the contractor. The poor ones obviously have little to spend, but still seem to get some poor member of the congregation to shoulder the blame for the poor results of their effort.


Don't be that guy. Tell them flat out that it's an issue best handled by a pro, and that it will always be expensive. It's probably going to be like tap-dancing through a minefield, since faith and knowledge of basic physics seem to be mutually exclusive.;)

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What is the church seating size you are trying to address? Is this for spoken word, or live music? What is the ceiling height?


Regardless of what speakers you get, be sure someone who knows what they are doing hangs them. Things that heavy will kill if they come down on their own.


Before you deal with any local firm, find out if they truly have experience with similar things. Many small music firms are better at live gig sound than installed sound in churches.



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Now is the time to buy used gear. Craigslist is great when you've got more time than money. If you take the effort to check out the gear carefully before you put down the cash, you can pay a fraction of the price of new gear.

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You mentioned theater as the main application. What kind of mics are you using for this? Where will the speakers likely be placed in relation to the stage area?


The worlds best speakers can still feedback if other factors are not part of the planning.



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