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Need some new tops to go with my bins ...

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Hey guys, play in a 6 piece band ... we play mostly banquets and weddings. Venues are usually banquet type halls that fit anywhere from 200 to 800 people. Are music is more traditional folk style with 4 of the 6 guys doing vocals as well.


We've recently decided to buy some new speakers. I believe that we have our bin of choice after checking out a few different types (yorkville, jbl srx, few others) ... we've decided to go with the EV QRX 218's.


Amplifier wise, we have a QSC PLX3602 and a RMX2450. We also use an A&H MixWiz, and we have a DBX 1231 and X-over.


What i'm looking for are some opinions of good tops to go with those bins. Appreciate the help!!

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I would have to run two cables to two separate amplifiers for those 153's right Axisplayer. In the description it says that those speakers are biampable only. I've heard the 212's, but i'm not sure if they would work in my situation. Aren't they more of a long throw speaker ?? I need speakers, on the most part, to cover sound for the dance floor and a little beyond.

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First, you are correct that the 153 is a bi-amp only cabinet so you would need one NL-4 cable to it, and another cable to your sub under it. Their is not really any such thing as a long throw cabinet. Cabinets are able to hit a certain SPL which is then subject to the laws of audio physics. Forgetting about line arrays, and similar anomalies to those laws, a cabinet is a cabinet and will either hit the desired SPL at distance or not depending on what it is capable of.


I use QRX212s all the time in small clubs of anywhere from 150-250 people without any issues. They are very good sounding cabs for the money, and CAN be used in large places because they can reach a high enough SPL if needed to do it.

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Coverage angles are the same for both of those EVs. Given that you're putting them over the 218s, I'd recommend the 212s, too. PLX amp is a good match for the 218s and the RMX is close enough for the 212s. That'd be a sweet sounding rig. (Wish I could say that I had a QRX setup!) What would you use for monitors?

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I like the 212s and they are often referred to as a rock box. The 153 is a three way system and sounds very good, although not as loud as the 212 is. Horses for courses. If you can stand the additional requirements of a bi-amp box, the 153 sounds very good, as it should being a 3 way. For certain types of music, and situations, it would be a serious candidate in my mind. I went with the 212 because of less cabling and amps, and the higher SPL since I do club work. The 212 is not quite as sweet sounding, but we are talking small differences among cabinets that are all very nice. For a wedding band, the 153 might be a good choice because of lower SPL requirements and the added clarity a 3 way can give you. A 212 is a good box when it has to sound good and be loud.

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THAT... is the best explanation that I've ever had of the practical differences between the two. Thanks for that...


... and I totally blew right past the OP's "folk music" item in the first paragraph. That certainly makes the decision harder.


OP - If you can swing the cost of all of those QRX cabs for FOH... I think you'll eventually want to get the QRX112s for your monitors, too. They're great sounding speakers, too and would give you more options for scalabilty.

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We run in mono agedHorse ... suits us just fine. How is the 212 sound at lower volumes. Like i said, we play gigs with anywhere from 200 people in a smaller hall to bigger halls with 800 people. Does the 212 sound good at lower volumes ??

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We run in mono agedHorse ... suits us just fine. How is the 212 sound at lower volumes. Like i said, we play gigs with anywhere from 200 people in a smaller hall to bigger halls with 800 people. Does the 212 sound good at lower volumes ??



he means to run the amps in stereo mode as opposed to bridged. you can run a mono PA and still have the amps in "stereo" mode. you just need to feed the same signal to both sides.

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Just wondering, for your stated type of music why didn't you go after the top boxes first? That would seem to be the critical piece of gear. If you're a vocal heavy band my suggestion would have been to get a box that optimizes that (with correct spl levels as a prerequisite of course) and then get the matching subs, if applicable.


Traditional folk style - why would you start auditioning subs for that? I could be missing something so that's why I'm asking.


Anyway, the QRX212's..... would be nice, just curious as to your process.

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I haven't bought anything yet, but i've chosen the bins first as i got to hear quite a few bins, and enjoyed the 218's the best ... and in alot of forum reading, people recommend and say it's a great bin. Now to find the tops ...

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I haven't bought anything yet, but i've chosen the bins first as i got to hear quite a few bins, and enjoyed the 218's the best ... and in alot of forum reading, people recommend and say it's a great bin. Now to find the tops ...



Fair enough. I guess all I'm saying is that IMO yur main focus should be the tops, at least for your stated type of music. Then get subs to match your tops.


Now if you were a DJ doing raves, I could see why you might start with the subs first - they would be a very important part of your rig.


To me it's like buying tires and then finding a car to match the tires - but I'm funny that way. As I stated, it's just my opinion.


Happy searching.

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Great .. i appreciate everyones advice. It helps quite a bit. Now i gotta find the best price. Anyone know of any good EV dealers in Canada, or Toronto area ??




Wait a minute, back the train up. Toronto?


In that case I would also suggest U15P's over UCS1P's OR the passive equivalent if your dead set on passive.


Besides the fact that that's a nice system you could actually audition it from L&M (renting or using 30 day return policy).


Heck, last January I even saw a used system of two U15P's and one ls800P for CAN $3000 (with a 3 month warranty).


Don't get me wrong the QRX line is very nice but since you're in or close to T.O. AND given your type of music you might really like the U15P's. I own the passive U15's and like them.


The system I mentioned wouldn't normally do 800 people, but for the odd occasion you do that many folks you could rent extra subs/tops - which wouldn't usually be possible in other parts of the world or even country.


Just a thought. That way you're not carrying so much inventory (dollar wise) and you could spend the possible savings to GET RID of those JRX monitors:poke:

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