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QSC GX7......15.5 lbs!!!!

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understood. what i meant is do you notice a difference now that we have all of this technology that has the potential to be mis-applied in a destructive manner as compared to the days when amps didn't do anything other than amplify

i guess back then the technology still existed in one form or another but was maybe not as available to those that would use it wrong



Yes, when the unskilled masses who are educated beyond their intelligence get hold of technology, the damage is generally much more expensive and the methods of destruction much more efficient.

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Yes, when the unskilled masses who are educated beyond their intelligence get hold of technology, the damage is generally much more expensive and the methods of destruction much more efficient.



And you don't get calls for something that isn't in the amp...no DSP means no calls because the DSP is confusing, or blowed up your subs.

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Yeah....I like that feature on my Yamaha PS5000 amps.

I am sure that I can get by with a singular 100hz frequency as long as I am losing 11 lbs over a PS7000 at 26.5 lbs.


Those new PV IPR series amps have the crossover on each channel AND only weigh 7 lbs. Seems like a win/win.

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