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Footswitch Questions...multi-channels, etc


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hello everyone...Im getting back into the Guitar world...and I was wondering


if I plug a Single Button Marshall Footswitch into a 3 Channel Marshall VS100...will it toggle between 2 channels, or all 3

any input would be great, as I only have a single button switch available to me at the moment

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No. You're thinking about a momentary switch used to scroll through effects memory banks. Most channel switching is done with analog switches. There's good reason for this. One its more reliable and second, manufacturers realize its easy for these switches to get lost or damaged over time so they stick with the old fashioned method of switching that dates back to old analog amps that didn't have digital built in. This makes it easy for an owner to use a number of generic pedals, even ones made by other manufacturers.


Marshall 3 channel amps with a clean and two drives need a three conductor connector (a 1/4" stereo jack) and two switches.

The first on off switch toggles between clean and driven. The second toggels between crunch and lead.


I wouldn't plug in a single connector switch into that jack because a mono plug will short one of the connectors. Even though these are just analog switches that connect to the front panel switches in parallel, they do run 5 volts through the cable to operate the LED's on the switches.


This is likely done through the Tip which to make it dummy proof in case someone tries what you're wanting to do but I wouldn't do it in any case.


You can buy Marshall two way switches very cheap. I bought two for under $20 each with a little digging, and they do make plenty of generics without the Marshall logo.


There are two types. They have them with the LED's and without. The Non LED will work but its handier to have the LED's so for a Buck or two more, you may as well get that one.


Heres a generic with the LED's http://www.ebay.com/itm/Footswitch-PED802-Marshall-replacement-Two-Button-with-LED-/131073552645?hash=item1e8497b105


Heres one without the LED's, Notice the three way plug...... http://www.ebay.com/itm/MARSHALL-original-2-channel-footswitch-/151834416906?hash=item235a09570a


Heres the one you want. Its got the right Clean and overdrive markings and the LED's http://www.ebay.com/itm/Marshall-Two-Button-Foot-Switch-With-TRS-1-4-Jack-LEDs-/121773991522?hash=item1c5a4ba662



If an amp has more channels and/or has built in effects, the switch is likely connected to the amp with a multi pinned Din connector. These are usually unique to the amp model and manufacturer so you're stuck buying the correct one which is wired specifically for that head. The simple three channel are usually just a pair of on/off switches.


There are some exceptions. Fender used some on board transistors to toggle channels and used momentary switches back in the 80's on their first blackfaced solid state amps. I did a number of repairs on those amps replacing those switching transistors. The damage was likely caused by the owner attempting to use the older on off switches which latched the connection and overheated the transistors. Bad move on Fenders part. They got in trouble trying to go against the norm. If they had used a unique jack for that pedal they would have been OK. you cant just change circuts like that and expect everyone to know that jack is unique, especially pre internet days where you couldn't just Google everything up.



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