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Guyatone VT-X Vintage Trem - What tube should I use?


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I just got a used Guyatone VT-X Vintage Trem pedal. It's tube powered. The problem I am having is that when I engage the effect. The volume gets super loud, and the signal gain goes up, braking up the sound. It currently has a GT 12AY7 tube in there.


I don't know much about different types of tubes, so I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what tube I should throw in that will most importantly keep the volume down. and also, keep a clean signal?



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The 12AX7 has a higher gain factor than the 12AY7 he currently has in there. In other words, I'd expect that tube to make it even louder, and break up even earlier than the one he's currently using.


But if Goodhonk's correct and a 12AX7 is the correct tube (you can use them interchangeably, without any risk of damaging anything), it sounds like there might be a issue with the pedal that would require repair.

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