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How to behave on this gig?


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Hi, coming here for help again... I should start contributing more. I always get helped and I don't help much... Sorry.


But I finally sold a corporate gig for my Soul band. Its good money and the people hiring us seem very nice.

It's a computer products convention and there will be a small cocktail were we are supposed to play and entertain.


So, should we just play well with very controlled volume like "ambient music", choosing mostly the mellow and quieter songs form the set. Or should we the a real party and entertain/involve the people?


I know it all dependends on the ambient etc... But, most of the time, how is it on this kind of gigs?




EDIT: Correct the word "coming" (thanks Wesg) sm-wink

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My thought. Keep your sound focused on the dance floor if there is one. If there isn't one, you probably don't want much sound going more than 50 feet away. It's a lot like a class reunion. There will always be more interest in talking than listening to the band. If you don't interfere with that too much, people should be happy. Now that said. I have played a corporate gig where it looked like we were intended to be the actual entertainment. The attendees couldn't have cared less. During break, we asked ourselves, Why did they bother to hire a band? I still can't figure that out. Got paid well. Ugly loadin/loadout. Outside of the pay, I would rather not played the gig. ($300/man Pretty good in Denver.)

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. My guess, small cocktail party at a convention, they're looking for ambiance. .
~~It's hard to say. And different people describe things differently. The worst mistake is to ever assume ANYTHING. We've played a lot of events that could easily be described as a "small cocktail party", but there's a stage and a dancefloor and they want a full-on dance party after they've had a few drinks.


Usually if they only want background music, they'll hire a jazz trio or something similar. Not a rock band. But always just make sure you get as many details as possible from the client. Don't presume you understand everything they want and don't let them presume you'll be able to do whatever it is they need. Details! Details!


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Whatever you do - don't forget who you have to keep happy! Unlike most parties and bar gigs where if you keep the audience happy you're probably doing good - this is a convention gig. The folks who hired you may have completely different expectations! As has already been suggested - ASK! This is one gig where you could easily where you could easily find yourself playing to an audience that's pushing you to "rock out" - while the folks who sign your check are steaming about you being to loud and overshadowing the event.

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I remember years ago my 8 piece R&B/Funk/blues horn band got hired to do a 10 year law school reunion at a big hotel ballroom. There was lots of speechifyin', and the last speaker, a judge from that class, went on and on and on. Long story short, by the time we played, we expected the place to be lubed up and itching to dance. Nope. they all cleared the room and went out to the hallway where they could step out onto the balcony to smoke and catch up with their old friends. The only time they came into the hall was to get another drink. We ended up playing for about 8 people for 50 minutes. They handed us 1500 dollars and we went home. You just never know. In our case, a dance floor didn't mean squat.

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Thanks for all the valuable replies smiley-happy


I've followed the advice about getting details and they were amazing, they even sent me a copy the regulations for the sponsors and a plant of the place smiley-surprised


So, its a big convention center and it will have stands every where. Big room!

We will have a small stage set for us at one end of the room. It's supposed to be a live show at the end, 1 hour before the event is over (yes, we will just play 60m sm-wink) but not a concert so loud that the people farther away can´t chat with each other.

So I'm guessing "small bar gig volume"... People can come close to us and enjoy the concert and it will be background music for the people on the other side of the room.


I'm happy because apparently they want a show. Not pure background music. So I can rock out a bit smiley-lol

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