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Best way to start Seq

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Usually I start by listening to Britney Spears. Then I realize anything I so is 100% better than what I just heard. Then again so would a sine tone.



But seriously go in anyway. Drums, bass, lead, there is no set pattern.

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Originally posted by scubyfan

Sounds like you haven't sequenced at all, because this is something one doesn't forget. There is no wrong way to lay down sequences: do it however you want.



you dont have anything nice to say about me?



i love to seq .. really.. but i whant to make seq really fast.

and good...





love chick korea

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Originally posted by audacity works

Really? I'll hire you to move to LA and be my business partner. Seriously.

100% better? Wow.


You know you can't beat Britney Spears

The best you can be is Britney's peers

but get distracted by Britney's spheres

Oops, gotta go boys - Britney's here...




It's the hook to my next chart topping R&B hit!








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Originally posted by audacity works

Really? I'll hire you to move to LA and be my business partner. Seriously.

100% better? Wow.



yep, a pile of warm {censored} would be 100% better. If you add a sine wave, you talking 200% better.


BUt then, when i say better..i mean more interesting, impactful, artistic, educated, etc...not more able to take advantage of the faults of mainstream music consumers in America and abroad. (zero attention span, more interest in youth and naked youth and sexual youth, than pwoer structures and issues of intellectual freedom, etc...)


so, maybe your definition is different, i suspect his is as well, but i can certainly make a better case for mine than: "well, she makes a lot of money..."

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having said that, i was gonna reply to the original post with:


it doesn't matter, most people start with rhythm (drums) first, but it completely depends on what you hve in mind.


but, seeing:


i love to seq .. really.. but i whant to make seq really fast.

and good...


i'm gonna say:


1. sequence is both a noun and a verb, please make some sort of distinction otherwise i have a hard time understanding what the {censored} you are talking about.


2. if there was an easy way to sequence fast and good that i could tell you on a message board in a few typed instructions, I would be the {censored}ing neptunes...i mean, come on...what you are talking about is writing music.

There is no way to tell you how to create artistic ideas (music, sketches, sculpture, etc...) fast and easy..beyond your own inspiration and the articulation of it.

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Most of my sequencing has been with step sequencers. I used to have this toy that looked like a red telephone handset and a touch-tone dial pad-like interface, called a "Merlin". It had some simple games like tic-tac-toe, but it also had a rudimentary step sequencer. The next step sequencer I played with was the Nanoloop cartridge for Game Boy. Then I moved on to Numerology (http://www.five12.com).


I like step sequencers which start off cycling through the steps over and over and start playing notes as you insert them. You can quickly build up music with this type of overdubbing very quickly. Nanoloop is an excellent example of this.

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Ok, I finally started getting acquainted with my Emu XL-7's sequencer. What can I say, I've spent most of the 1.5 weeks I've had this baby installing expansion ROMS, messing around with the truckload of presets that came with them, working through the Instant Gratification section of the manual, and other general goofing off.


I played around with recording a simple Pattern with up to 3 tracks. I tried Realtime, Grid, and Step sequence-recording modes (the XL-7 lets you use any mode you want for any track). The only conclusion I can draw from this is it doesn't matter what you put down first. Put down whatever you want in whatever order you want - you can always edit later.

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Originally posted by the_resonator

BUt then, when i say better..i mean more interesting, impactful, artistic, educated

The last time I checked, "interesting", "impactful", "artistic", and "educated" were all highly subjective descriptors. Just once I'd love someone to qualify their statements instead of subscribing to an extremely convenient, extremely popular (yet altogether and ultimately empty) bumper sticker blanket sentiment. It's so damn easy for someone to say "Oh, so and so's stupid or juvenile or talentless or racist or sexist or worthless" without actually explaining specifically what it is about said artist or creative endeavor that deserves such rampant and widespread vilification.


Now if someone were to ask me why I believe Moulin Rouge, Uncle Kracker, Julia Roberts, or Insane Clown Posse all suck crusty ass, I could very easily write a three-page essay about it. Indeed, I believe it may be hiding somewhere in the Composition Thread

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Originally posted by audacity works

The last time I checked, "interesting", "impactful", "artistic", and "educated" were all
highly subjective
descriptors. Just once I'd love someone to qualify their statements instead of subscribing to an extremely convenient, extremely
(yet altogether and ultimately empty) bumper sticker blanket sentiment. It's so damn easy for someone to say "Oh, so and so's stupid or juvenile or talentless or racist or sexist or worthless" without actually explaining
what it is about said artist or creative endeavor that deserves such rampant and widespread vilification.


Now if someone were to ask me why I believe Moulin Rouge, Uncle Kracker, Julia Roberts, or Insane Clown Posse all suck crusty ass, I could very easily write a three-page essay about it. Indeed, I believe it may be hiding somewhere in the Composition Thread

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Originally posted by the_resonator

i am not averse to hijacking this thread, cause the original purpose was kinda suspect.

i didn't say "her" music was stupid or juvenile or talentless or whatever..i said "(zero attention span, more interest in youth and naked youth and sexual youth, than power structures and issues of intellectual freedom, etc...)"

Honestly, i don't think it's necessary for me or anyone else to write a 3 page anything about pop music like that. I suspect the first inevitable stumbling block is the Karaoke nature of it (point the young and attractive person at this song, in these clothes, position her in the market thus...and voila!)

I don't spend enough time with that sort of music to be able to even reliably differentiate between Spears and whomever else may be the girl of the hour. It's also nothing new, as this sort of pop has a fairly long history of at least 60 years or so ("it's my party and i'll cry if i want to"). You may find it interesting that i would lump Elvis Presley right in there with Britney SPears, in that niether writes(or wrote) music and both have more owing to wardrobe and dance steps than statements of interest to me.

And, of course, it's subjective. I never said otherwise, but I don't think you can "qualify" your statements either. Unless, of course, you mean what i said most say when the value of that sort of Pop is assailed..namely "well, it made X $ and sold X # of copies"..which mean very little to my values and just serve to prove that this or that pop creation is as good or better than others (NKOTB, vanilla ice, milli vanilli, etc..)

I think the only thing of importance that her particular generation of {censored} salesmen has done that is of any value to me is her impact on the accessability of sexual provocativity as it concerns young women. (meaning, now 13 year olds can wear thongs) I am not sure if that is good or bad, but i am forced to deal with that issue about 3 times a day (is that girl old enough to look at in that way?)

You certainly can't argue that she is making much of any statement whatsover personally, as her songs are written, co-written, produced, played-for her..and her appearence is the result of personal trainers, makeup artists, nutritionists, lifestyle coaches, wardrobe professionals, surgeons, doctors, PR reps, etc..

is why people bring up values like artistic statement. Because those things are lacking as concerns these sort of Pop personalities. I am sorry if you find those terms unacceptable, but i suspect that is because they are also poor values to argue against from your viewpoint.


KACHING! Resonator's got round one. :D


Looking forward to the next round...

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