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Live or Studio (where do you like playing the most)


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Pros and cons



I don't have to worry about what people think until I am done.

I can fix mistakes


There is something akin to an extended orga$m from a well done set.

The babes.




No groupies


I don't like to perform others music

I don't really like perfoming my music once I have the recording finished.

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Originally posted by kilgoretrout56



I don't really like perfoming my music once I have the recording finished.


That's interesting. I felt that way for a LONG time (although I thinking I'm moving past that lately), and I never could have guessed that ANYONE else could have felt that way.






I really go back and forth about playing live. Sometimes there is NOTHING more I would rather do, and so I end up doing it 2, 3, 4, and some times 5 times per week. And after doing that for a year or two I NEED to disapeer for a year or two.


I think I'm in the MIDDLE of that 'disapeering" stage right now, but just getting to the point of looking forward to writting a number of new tunes that I can go out there and share. My music is drastically changing, and this will be the first time in YEARS that I would actaully look forward to share some of my tunes after they've been tracked. Where in the past all I wanted to do after tracking was go play with someone else, and focus on someone elses music. A complete escape of sorts I guess...who knows?

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When i'm playing live, (/ rehearsing with band) I like listening to other bandmembers solo's, hearing new vocal lines, having fun with the drummer, playing weird vamps, making up new intros, just make stuff more fun and keep it fresh for everyone.....



when I'm in my studio I like thinking of an insane loop and jam on my trusty Electro / Nordlead / Motif till till the sun comes up...


I do have to make all the sounds myself, while in a live situation, I get a lot of help from others.... and better yet, there are people to hear and appreciate it! (most of the time anyway)


But if I had to choose, I'd pick playing live, cuz well.... that's the reason I started to play music in the first place......


to get all the girls attention!:thu::cool:

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The only way I want to do a cover tune is to redo it in a novel way. No I don't enjoy doing music an audience will enjoy. I play music that I enjoy. That is why I like the studio.


I don't remember the last time I sat down and learned someone elses music. I would much rather explore interweaving a guitar and synth against an odd bass and drum backing. I would rather figure out what makes sense to sing on top of that. To me, that is creating music.


There is always a venue for people doing others toons. I really don't even like listening to cover bands that much. I would rather hear a rough band doing original toons than a polished cover band.

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And when I have passed the 90% satisfaction with something I or me and a few friends have done, I want to move on to something else.


TO me, putting together 10 tracks of 32 or 48 bars of something really different is 10x the fun of getting that guitar part from Over the hills and far away perfect.


However, how about taking Pipeline or Telstar and totally revamping it to synths and guitars, but not remotely resembling the original recordings? That can be fun too. I am just not sure how many people are interested in hearing 21st century space surf music.

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Originally posted by kilgoretrout56

And when I have passed the 90% satisfaction with something I or me and a few friends have done, I want to move on to something else.

TO me, putting together 10 tracks of 32 or 48 bars of something really different is 10x the fun of getting that guitar part from Over the hills and far away perfect.

However, how about taking Pipeline or Telstar and totally revamping it to synths and guitars, but not remotely resembling the original recordings? That can be fun too. I am just not sure how many people are interested in hearing 21st century space surf music.



You are definately not a performer.

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Originally posted by BfunQue

When i'm playing live, (/ rehearsing with band) I like listening to other bandmembers solo's, hearing new vocal lines, having fun with the drummer, playing weird vamps, making up new intros, just make stuff more fun and keep it fresh for everyone.....

when I'm in my studio I like thinking of an insane loop and jam on my trusty Electro / Nordlead / Motif till till the sun comes up...

I do have to make all the sounds myself, while in a live situation, I get a lot of help from others.... and better yet, there are people to hear and appreciate it! (most of the time anyway)

But if I had to choose, I'd pick playing live, cuz well.... that's the reason I started to play music in the first place......

to get all the girls attention!


BfunQue is right on the money - I echo these sentinents, at least the part about playing live since I don't have time for studio work and as far as getting chicks' attention I'm married now so that point is moot... :( Though they are interesting to see as I'm jamming away onstage. :D

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