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I can't do pull offs.

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You mean flicks? Not at all bad. Most don't even bother. I think you should learn standard pulls as well. The main advantage is as tempo and complexity increase you have the option of pulling or pushing depending on where your fingers have to go next.
Keep practicing. :thu:

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What's a push-off? I've heard of pull-offs and hammer-ons, but never a push-off... :confused:

Anyhoo - I think a problem alot of people have with pull-offs/hammer-ons/legato playing generally is a lack of finger strength and control. One exercise I can suggest is to take the right hand, reach over behind the fretting hand and mute the strings. Then practice playing scales/cromatic runs ascending/decending with the left hand - you can even try tapping out chords... it's a bit of a Steve Vai party trick, but if you actually practice it you'll find alot of benefits will drift into all aspects of your playing.

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