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Right hand chord picking technique

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Flatpicking or fingerpicking or hybrid?

geez, i didnt know there were different types... im talkin just with a regular pick. im terrible. i dont know whether to alt pick or what. i can never hit the "G" string... lol.... just terrible. i guess thats flatpicking?


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I know this doesn't sound like fun, but it will work!

Alternate picking: this makes your playing much much faster but I don't reccommend it for most solos just because playing with a downward motion seems to sound better...at least for me. Practice this by learning a scale (any type will do) and using your upstroke/dowstroke for every note on it. It won't fail! Then try it on a song you know once you feel comfortable with playing it on the scale.

Downstroke: (idk what to call it...when you play just by picking down, not up) is useful but if it gets too slow on a particular song try alternate picking. In time you'll figure out what needs one style or the other. For example, playing downstrokes during the intro to "Sweet Home Alabama" and the entire "Here comes the sun" is good for keeping rhythm and stuff. Plus it's easier.

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Guys, he's talking about CHORD picking, i.e. strumming.

First, slow down as much as you can until you DO hit the low G and all the other strings. Avoid strumming up to speed for a while, otherwise it won't help.

Then try to practice a very relaxed strum, so that the right hand is flowing in a "soft" and natural way rather than quickly hit all the string in a fast motion.

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