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Everything posted by Jasco

  1. What does everyone think of these mixes? http://elephanthighway.bandcamp.com/album/we-made-this Edit: Mostly worried about the level and sound of the drums. LIstened to the first track. (Not on great speakers.) Good job. My critique would be that the instruments didn't sound very coherent space-wise. That is they sounded like they were all over-dubbed in different rooms (or different reverb/ambience applied). I don't know if you were going for that intentionally. I would have brought the horns down a bit and drums and bass up. Also, I think the guitar parts would have been more powerful with a bit less distortion, although that's a tracking issue rather than a mix issue.
  2. Here's a song called "Kristin" that I recently recorded in my living room on home studio level gear: http://www.thesymbols.net/kristin You can download it or just listen - it's the first song on the player at the bottom of the page. Looking for any comments, suggestions, or critiques. Could be about the mix, recording, musician performance, composition, arrangement or whatever. Thanks in advance for any advice. - Jasco
  3. When I used a pick, I anchored my pinky and lightly touched the edge of my hand on the bridge for muting purposes. Now when I play fingerstyle I don't anchor anything for acoustic, and for electric I'll rest the edge of my hand lightly on the bridge. About 25% of the time I'll hold the whammy bar while playing - I guess that kind of counts as an anchor although that's not the purpose. I've seen lots of folks play great with both anchor and non-anchor picking techniques, so I'm a believer that either way is fine.
  4. Symetrical chords - diminished and augmented - can be your best friends when it comes to modulation.
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