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Solo Guitar Playing.. Part 1... New vid series for you guys....

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Awwww, you guys are just great. Thanks so much for all the kind words. Mo, yes... That IS a big step... Being able to keep one thing static while the other is dynamic is very important... It creates the illusion of alot more happening than there actually is... The only thing is making it SOUND LIVELY. Make it sound as if it IS in fact 2 guys jamming....Keep recording yourself playing against a metronome or drum groove to keep yourself honest.. It takes time, first just to get the mechanics down and then to make it sound like you've been doing it for years... I think that within a month, you should have it down pretty convincingly, with respect to your time feel and independence.... Just let it marinate.

3shift, I couldn't agree more. I hate people that think they have some unique trick, so they hide it away, and if IT WAS IN FACT UNIQUE, it dies with them and no one else ever benefits from it.

My belief is, even if I show you guys my entire repertoire of tricks and licks, you are not me... You will, first of all, not play these things EXACTLY the same way... You will put your stamp on it, like it or not. Secondly, if you are trying to advance as a player, you will COME UP WITH YOUR OWN VARIATIONS, which will invariably lead you down another path. This will make you come up wit hthings that may be technically, theoretically, harmonically, melodically or rhythmically different than mine. That is my hope.

Not to have a bunch of "me" clones, but to have a bunch of people who can accompany a singer more completely.... Who can jam at the drop of a hat. Whose timing is right in the pocket, grooving and flowing...

I am a fan of being on equal footing... Or having the student exceed the teacher, so that the teacher can bust his ass to get back to the level of the student....


I am glad you guys are digging it all.. I may record another "primer" (digression) today or tomorrow, depending on how much time I have... This will actually be a break from fingerstyle (for a good reason, as you will see, as it deals wit hsomething CONCEPTUAL rather than actual...)

It will be most helpful in trying to make these multiple part grooves happen...

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I actually listened to the Solo Concepts #1 first and am now listening to the Preliminary/Primer vid.




Great playing and explaining, indeed. Your enthusiasm carries through as well. Thanks so much for posting these, Danny!

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I actually listened to the Solo Concepts #1 first and am now listening to the Preliminary/Primer vid.


Great playing and explaining, indeed. Your enthusiasm carries through as well. Thanks so much for posting these, Danny!



I may record lesson #2 today.. I am guessing it'll either be an elaboration on the swing thing from the primer or dealing with bossa nova/samba grooves..


I am trying to start from a simple place, rhythmically, so that people can actually execute these...


Thanks alot, Girevik.. I appreciate you guys all appreciating it!

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Great stuff.....thanks! This helps a lot! How to actually apply everything and make music.

The reggae lesson was excellent........I had a go at it before I went to bed. I knew something was going on when I woke up, with dreads down to my waist.

And for the first time in years, my woman wasn't crying! So we shared some oatmeal porridge, and watched the three little birds beside by doorstep!

Your philanthropy is much appreciated.

I'll be checking out the "primer" this evening.

To quote you:

"I am a little kooky.. I don't mind being an ass to crack a chuckle out of people..."

I'm a member of that same club. A pity we don't have more members............seems like too many people are desperately trying to be "cool" these days, whatever that is.

This just makes them dull, IMHO.

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ok, if all goes well, and I don't pass out too early tonight, I may have a new installment up for you guys... dealing with bossa nova/samba, probably... Should be interesting... or not.


Remains to be seen when I record it.

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Quoting you again:

"My belief is, even if I show you guys my entire repertoire of tricks and licks, you are not me... You will, first of all, not play these things EXACTLY the same way... You will put your stamp on it, like it or not. Secondly, if you are trying to advance as a player, you will COME UP WITH YOUR OWN VARIATIONS, which will invariably lead you down another path. This will make you come up with things that may be technically, theoretically, harmonically, melodically or rhythmically different than mine. That is my hope."

You were born to teach, as well as play........do you know that?

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Thanks, Paul... I am a special kind of teacher.. The kind that yammers alot and talks and goes off on tangents.. I am an absent minded professor type.... But ZI do appreciate the compliments, man!! thanks alot. Really.

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Here's what we all really want.............

Nine minutes and fifty-nine seconds of you showing off on guitar...............go on.............please!

Jumping from the killer playing in the reggae tutorial, to killer playing in jazz, then some killer playing in neo-classical ambient thrash, in waltz time......and so on.

Maybe throw in a few bars of middle-of-the-road schmaltz, just for a laugh.

All that would be sooooo good to watch, judging by what you fingered in the reggae vid.

Inspirational in the extreme it would surely be!

Fingers crossed.

Am I alone in this desire?

No way!!!!!!

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Thanks for the videos. I just spent a while working through both. Very informative and they provided a real good jumping off point for goofing around with other stuff on my own.

I'd definitely be into seeing some of the walking bass jazz stuff.

I don't mind being an ass to crack a chuckle out of people...

BTW - you said ass crack

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Thanks for the videos. I just spent a while working through both. Very informative and they provided a real good jumping off point for goofing around with other stuff on my own.

I'd definitely be into seeing some of the walking bass jazz stuff.

BTW - you said ass crack

Yeah, Tricky.. That is sort of my intention... I want you guys to be able to get IDEAS from these vids... not just a couple of licks.. I think that is the best way to evolve...

We'll get int o the walking bass more as time goes by... I am sure there'll be alot of other tangents along the way.. And, Paul... As much as i owuld like to make you happy by doing a long ass video of me wanking... I don't think I will be doing that.. At least just yet.. My ego has dwindled down a bit and I sort of like it that way... Not feeling the need to show every technique I know in every bar of music... That was what I was like when I was young and immature.. Now, I am content to loop the same groove for 15 minutes and not deviate at all... Working more on the groove and timing and whatnot..

I do promise, however, that more varied videos will come, from metal, to funk, to many other styles... with pick, fingers, slide, etc. etc. I will end up covering everything.. just give me some time...


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I appreciate and respect your point of view here....

It would be nice, though, to see and hear you playing a set piece..........maybe one of your favourites, your own or otherwise. The lessons so far are great, and (rather than the negative "but") leave me personally wondering how you approach "natural" playing, ie doing what you do best, outside of the teaching "format".

Maybe you have a link to such a video of yours?

I'll check the "Myspace" link.

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I appreciate and respect your point of view here....

It would be nice, though, to see and hear you playing a set piece..........maybe one of your favourites, your own or otherwise. The lessons so far are great, and (rather than the negative "but") leave me personally wondering how you approach "natural" playing, ie doing what you do best, outside of the teaching "format".

Maybe you have a link to such a video of yours?

I'll check the "Myspace" link.



If you just type in my name, or go to the related videos, you will find a few other vids.. Not too many of live performances, but there is one from me playing at Transit Lounge.. it's more a funk/fusion type of context, with killer players... it's a short snippet of one of the solos from that night.. I also have some other quick one take things on there, in case you want to see a dfifferent facet. Also, I have some teaching vids on my myspace page that are way longer, but poor quality, video-wise.. I intend to remake them for youtube with my new cam...

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Just back from your Myspace.....well....space.

Nut Brown Ale.....diggin' it.

Paradigm....diggin' it.

Pontracuntal.....something to do with sex on a bridge....diggin' it.

Diggin' into my pocket, too!

One of my earliest adult memories is waking up Saturday mornings and playing Hot Rats at full blast.

You capture his essence, and layer yourself on it. And then broaden it into something new and fresh.

My ears thanks you!

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Just back from your Myspace.....well....space.

Nut Brown Ale.....diggin' it.

Paradigm....diggin' it.

Pontracuntal.....something to do with sex on a bridge....diggin' it.

Diggin' into my pocket, too!

One of my earliest adult memories is waking up Saturday mornings and playing Hot Rats at full blast.

You capture his essence, and layer yourself on it. And then broaden it into something new and fresh.

My ears thanks you!

That is a great compliment, Paul.. Zappa is definitely one of my favorites.. Not necessarily his playing, but his writing, vibe and arrangements... I have never really gotten as intricate as he has on all levels, but I like to try and capture the humorous essence... LIke Mr. Bungle, Mattias Eklundh, Zappa himself, and a select group of others...

I am a big fan of surprises and humor in music...

having said that... The third CD, which I will begin working on after I finally wrap the one with all the tunes you mentioned (I hope it'll be soon) will be more "song" oriented. My demented takes on pop songs (not covers.. I will actually write lyrics and melodies and sing...)

It's sort of a social experiment... My first CD is all about the heavy, shreddy, jarring stuff, for the most part (I don't think any of you actually heard any tracks off that cd...)

The second, from which the tunes I have on myspace are taken, is a little more groove oriented and less heavy, but more arranged... The third will be SONGS... I want to see how many people can actually enjoy the full journey of the "trilogy"... How many people love it, hate it, or feel alienated...

Just something I do in my spare time...


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OK... Primer - Part 2 is uploaded.. I was/am feeling quite under the weather, so I am not really all there mentally or musically, so be kind... But I think the concepts are pretty transparent... I am playing this installment WITH A PICK, because I know lots of you are still clinging to it... I do too, sometimes...

The point of this 2nd primer is to get in the MINDFRAME of playing parts that react to one another... In THIS case, creating the ILLUSION of multiple parts, by using space, register, articulation, etc.

Enjoy and let me know whatcha think....

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:love::love::love: The new installment (except for the sorry British accent :D)

I really like the way you dissect the three parts separately then bring it all together. Makes it really easy to follow. And being that Prince is my hero, the little riff hit close to home for me. :thu:
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The new installment (except for the sorry British accent

I really like the way you dissect the three parts separately then bring it all together. Makes it really easy to follow. And being that Prince is my hero, the little riff hit close to home for me.

Yeah, Prince is definitely a big influence on me too... Particlarly the funkier tunes!!! I am glad you dug the new "pickstyle" installment, bro... I am just trying to set it up so that you guys are geared up for the madness that is going to be coming forth!!!! And there will be madness!!!


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Been a little under the weather, so I haven't done anything yet beyond the 2 primers and the first "real" installment... Have you guys had enough time with the second primer?? (The pickstyle one)... I think that would be a useful way of getting into the mindset we're ooking for for future lessons.

Hit me up with any questions, obviously. I will be happy to answer all.

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