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Hey Digitech dude come in for an asskicking


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Hey there dude,


Let me start by saying I like digitech, I have been using digitech ME floor processors for about 10 years.


They always have one BIG problem that really makes me want to KICK your ASS right about now:




They suck!


Last gig I was stomping trying to get a patch change up and it just wouldn't go. WHY OH WHY do they have to be so CHEAP!?


I keep the floorboard in a case, I have never spilled anything on it, it might get dusty and dirty but it's a FLOOR processor, meant to be on a dirty dusty FLOOR!!!


Help me fix my digitech (GNX3) or I will KICK YOUR ASSSSSSSSS ;):D































no seriously :mad:

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Originally posted by ColorsoundKid

Doug Deeper and the digitech dude are two different people.

oh, ooops (sorry dougdeeper whoever the hell you are - I must have picked the name up somewhere)

what's the digitech dude's screen name??

and regardless, he best show up for his asskicking... :mad:

thanks for the heads up CSK

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Hello Mister Angry Customer,

I'm reporting in for my ass kicking. So you have a bit of a problem. This kind of stuff happens from time to time. I realize that most peoples other equipment has never had a problem or broken and it's usually our stuff.......ah, wait a minute, that's when I worked somewhere else.

First off, what exact model do you have and how old is this thing?

Have you ever contacted us directly or do you just call companies out for their asskickings on the forums?

I'm here to try and help you, why don't you bring it down a few notches.....

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Originally posted by dougsthang


I'm here to try and help you, why don't you bring it down a few notches.....

sorry, the "anger" is meant to be a joke... I am not really angry...


I DID mention that this current digitech I have is the GNX3 (Maybe a year or two old) but I have experienced the same problem with every single digitech floor processor I've owned. (several and I'm not ashamed to admit it) so it's not like I'm freaking out because of an isolated incident.

Lighten up anyway, you're here, why would I call the company? This is easy, calling a company is a lot harder.

You're here to help, so lets get to the helping.

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I'll ask my techs if there is a fix for you but let me get something straight out. Quite being a dick. Why would ask for someones help and ask like it's owed to you. I'll get you your answers but for christ sakes dude, it's a piece of guitar gear. We're not curing cancer here. Please, if your ever at a NAMM show stop by the booth and introduce yourself like a normal person.

In regard to your GNX and repairing it. It sounds like it's out of warrenty. How are you with a solder gun? It just a simple switch under the foot pad that you can take out and solder the new switch in. If your not comfortable with doing that we can send you the switch and you can take it to a local repair shop and they can install it.

Is it the same pad each time or different ones that are acting up?

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Originally posted by dougsthang


I'll ask my techs if there is a fix for you but let me get something straight out. Quite being a dick. Why would ask for someones help and ask like it's owed to you. I'll get you your answers but for christ sakes dude, it's a piece of guitar gear. We're not curing cancer here. Please, if your ever at a NAMM show stop by the booth and introduce yourself like a normal person.

In regard to your GNX and repairing it. It sounds like it's out of warrenty. How are you with a solder gun? It just a simple switch under the foot pad that you can take out and solder the new switch in. If your not comfortable with doing that we can send you the switch and you can take it to a local repair shop and they can install it.

Is it the same pad each time or different ones that are acting up?




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Your going to have to do better than that, I've been posting on forums for years.

How can we help you resolve your issue?

A real answer not some lame "I'm safe in my sister's room on her computer so I can be a dick to anyone" answer

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I have owned some digitech stuff over the years. I had an RP20 floor processor a few years back, and when it needed to be fixed i needed one of the opto-screens for the expression pedals. I wanted to fix it my self, so i called them.

I was pretty sure they were going to say one of two things... that they would only sell parts to autorized repair shops, or that they dont sell parts at all, and i'd have to send it in for repair, and over charge me for shipping and repair.

Some girl answered the phone, and was totally cool... She knew exactly what part i was talking about, and sent it for free.

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Originally posted by dougsthang

Your going to have to do better than that, I've been posting on forums for years.

How can we help you resolve your issue?

A real answer not some lame "I'm safe in my sister's room on her computer so I can be a dick to anyone" answer

yeah, how am I being a dick? Because I'm not happy that you guys continue to sell flimsy {censored} like a foot controller that can't actually be stepped on repeatedly without breaking. Also not happy that you are also being just as much of a stupid ass with your "help" Customer is always right eh?

Resolve? a new GNX could be a start, also redesigning them to actually be something road worthy might also be a decent thing to consider. The fact that you are acting like I'm on my own because the warranty is a few months out of date says a lot already... :D

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wow, i am pretty shocked at the digitech guys response.

sure robo pimp is a dick, but this digitech guy is representing the company here and is making them look a little shal we say stuffy? uptight? defensive?

uh, can ths guy help or just hurl more insults at robo pimp?

robo pimp = thumbs down

digitech = thumbs down

no winners here. no one is being helped, just lots of hurt.

I want to cry.:confused:

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Why the hell do you keep buying them then?

And Doug I believe is here on his own. I don't think Digitech sent him to fix our problems. That is what their customer support is for.

Usually I see the humor in your style of posting and actually get a good laugh from it but jeez man, lighten up.

Oh and the switches on the new GNX3000 look like they are a different style. Perhaps they have been improved. :)


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Originally posted by pedalpat

wow, i am pretty shocked at the digitech guys response.

sure robo pimp is a dick, but this digitech guy is representing the company here



not really. he just works there. human like the rest of us, even robopimp (who is kinda abrasive, but that's half the fun).

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Doug came here of his own volition, not on an errand from Digitech. He said he will help in any way he can. Treating him like a POS will mean he will leave, or will be wary to help anyone, which makes this place poorer for it.

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