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Rockstar INXS


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Their decision to get rid of Ty was absurd. Sure, there were underwhelming performances tonight, but Ty's performance was fine.

Why are they keeping JD?


And sure, a lot of the show is absurd, but getting rid of Ty this way was ridiculous.

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I thought it was a hillarious moment when Ty said something like


"my people arent really appreciated in rock and roll and thats the only reason why i think ive been in the bottom three for the past three weeks"


and the next second one of the Fariss brothers gets up and says


"Ty, youre still nonetheless a really good soul singer"



I just cracked up laughing, heres this guy whos implying the voters were racist, and instead of calming him down, the Fariss dude just says something that confirms Ty's view.


IMO, i think they're keeping JD there just for storyline sake. I mean lets face it, who wants to see a reality program show with no antagonist character. Heres this JD guy whos been nothing but a real screw job to everyone. Hes a hypocrite and a nuisance. And as good as Ty was, lets face it, he always behaved in a really gay manner, prancing around and laughing like a school girl on a sugar high....

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Originally posted by nosferatu123

I thought it was a hillarious moment when Ty said something like

"my people arent really appreciated in rock and roll and thats the only reason why i think ive been in the bottom three for the past three weeks"

and the next second one of the Fariss brothers gets up and says

"Ty, youre still nonetheless a really good soul singer"

I just cracked up laughing, heres this guy whos implying the voters were racist, and instead of calming him down, the Fariss dude just says something that confirms Ty's view.

IMO, i think they're keeping JD there just for storyline sake. I mean lets face it, who wants to see a reality program show with no antagonist character. Heres this JD guy whos been nothing but a real screw job to everyone. Hes a hypocrite and a nuisance. And as good as Ty was, lets face it, he always behaved in a really gay manner, prancing around and laughing like a school girl on a sugar high....


yeah, the soul singer part made me :eek:


i was like WTF... anyways, im not saying he was right for the band, but damn the JD guy is horrible.


i dont know her name, but i did really like the girl that did imagine last night... that was awesome...


and the blonde guy needs to go too.. he looks as stiff as a board on stage.

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Originally posted by Brian Marshall

yeah, the soul singer part made me

i was like WTF... anyways, im not saying he was right for the band, but damn the JD guy is horrible.

i dont know her name, but i did really like the girl that did imagine last night... that was awesome...

and the blonde guy needs to go too.. he looks as stiff as a board on stage.



Yup, that predator girls rendition of Imagine was really good. And that petrified pale dude who did Wish You Were Here has to go too. Like you said, hes just too damn stiff and serious about everything....

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Originally posted by nosferatu123

Yup, that predator girls rendition of Imagine was really good. And that petrified pale dude who did Wish You Were Here has to go too. Like you said, hes just too damn stiff and serious about everything....



I kinda would like to see her go solo... i hope she does something when its over... i dont think theyll pick a girl.


I kinda hope ty will do something too... but keep it rocking...

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Originally posted by Brian Marshall

I kinda would like to see her go solo... i hope she does something when its over... i dont think theyll pick a girl.

I kinda hope ty will do something too... but keep it rocking...



Yup, i wish for the same for Jordis, i think she'll fit great with a band doing soulful yet heavy melodies (think Sevendust). In fact the first time i saw her do that Nirvana cover on Rockstar, she did remind me of a female version of Lajon...

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yeah, but i think he seems the most genuine.

he's always giving up his choice of songs for the drama queens who cry when they don't get their own way.


plus he is a good singer.


i hate that cocky jd character. (i think thats his name)

he seems selfish and arrogant and {censored}.

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I must be the only one that likes JD.


I think he is the most creative of the bunch and you can't help but to watch the guy.


They like Marty though. He will be picked.


Ty turned to cheesy. Lame when he pulled the "My people" card

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Originally posted by nosferatu123

Yup, i wish for the same for Jordis...In fact the first time i saw her do that Nirvana cover on Rockstar, she did remind me of a female version of Lajon...


Which has been my favorite performance so far. She can

sing. Jordis is my favorite but INXS isn't going to choose a female to front the band.


I agree that the "my people" statement from Ty was a weak attempt at an excuse. The guy was hit and miss week after week and was sometimes a little cheesy and overdramatic.

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In case some of y'all didn' notice...Ty screwed up the lyrics on the INXS song, so that was probably the only reason that he was let go instead of JD. The fact that he had to play the race card was really week. Let's face it, both Ty and JD are totally contrived posers. I am really ready to see JD go, but like nosferatu123 said, they need a controversial person in there to keep in interesting.


I think it will come down to Mig, Jordis & Suzie in the end. I think Mig has the best chance, although I think Suzie may be the dark horse that surprises everyone. She was the only one who INXS was raving about when she sang their song in the studio.


I love Jordis, but something tells me her "Dream On" performance was the kiss of death for her.


Marty is just too pasty white for INXS.

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Actually, the voters didn't decide Ty should go, INXS did. So he wasn't implying the voters were racist, he was implying INXS were racist.


I was totally shocked.


And when bearded dude stood up and said he was a great soul singer, I got the impression he wasn't really listening to what he said. He had that prepared and just thought he would interrupt Ty's crying to reassure him or something.


Very akward moment.


Dave Navarro is such a goiter.


That hostess is getting hotter and hotter every day.

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Originally posted by nosferatu123

I thought it was a hillarious moment when Ty said something like

"my people arent really appreciated in rock and roll and thats the only reason why i think ive been in the bottom three for the past three weeks"



I wasn't sure if he meant blacks or gays? Either way he isn't right for the band anyways so what does it matter.


JD's is a ass but he kinda suits the bands music more and stirs up the ratings. I would like to see Suzy win or even Marty, but I think Mig is going to be the man for the job.

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Originally posted by jcn37203

Is Ty actually gay or is that just something people are saying?


I don't know if he is or not but watching him is like watching Liza Minelli and George Michaels love child.


Bottom line is that he sings like a soul singer regardless of his colour or sexual preference. He promotes himself as a soul singer and then gets all upset when someone else calls him a soul singer.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Diva!

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Originally posted by jonny guitar

I don't know if he is or not but watching him is like watching Liza Minelli and George Michaels love child.

Bottom line is that he sings like a soul singer regardless of his colour or sexual preference. He promotes himself as a soul singer and then gets all upset when someone else calls him a soul singer.
:rolleyes: Diva!


did you watch it.... he didnt get mad at the soul singer comment. WE were just making an observation.

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Originally posted by Brian Marshall

did you watch it.... he didnt get mad at the soul singer comment. WE were just making an observation.



Yes I watched it. "Upset" was the wrong word but I can't spell uppidy (sic). What I mean is that he promotes himself as a soul singer which is traditionally associated with roots music but he is trying out for a rock band. Worldwide, soul music doesn't appeal to as many people as rock does so his voice can get one some peoples nerves when he "soulizes" everysong....so he pulls out the race card. I think that is lame.



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Originally posted by jcn37203

Actually, the voters didn't decide Ty should go, INXS did. So he wasn't implying the voters were racist, he was implying INXS were racist...

And when bearded dude stood up and said he was a great soul singer..

Very akward moment.


I don't think that's what Ty meant. His comment was more directed towards the viewers for placing him in the bottom 3 even though his performances were good. If we forget about race and sexual orientation, Ty is someone who has been consistently good. More so than most of the remaining performers.

I don't think he was right for INXS, but the way this was handled was strange, given that JD and Jordis were awful.

By the way, isn't Jordis black too?

JD has to go next...

Marty has greatly improved ever since he stopped screaming.

Mig has a lot of stage experience and musical talent.

Either one or Jordis or Suzi could sound great with INXS. Mig seems to be the most consistent of the bunch.


Regarding the awkward moments, I don't know whether this was live, but people editing reality shows do so to get viewer reactions. I've seen a couple of shows about it, and sometimes it seemed as though people were having a conversation about someone right next to that someone, and it turned out they were never in that place at the same time :)

I think there was a show called "The reality of reality" or something like that, in which they gave a behind the scenes look at some reality shows.

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