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Question and comments for Ivor...

Phil O'Keefe

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Hey Ivor, I posted this over on the "I need a sustain pedal" thread, but I didn't want to hijack it any further, so I thought I'd just start a new thread. Anyway, here's my questions for you:


Ivor, do you think that I'm better off sticking with my new Dano Fish & Chips (just picked it up two days ago and have not even tried it yet) and either my Ibanez Soundtank CP-5 comp or my MXR Super Comp instead of buying a Janglebox?


Like you, I'm a BIG fan of mid 60's / Revolver era Beatles, the Byrds, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, etc... and that's the tone I'd be looking for from a Janglebox... but if I can get there with something I already have, I have plenty of other things I could put the money towards. BTW, how are you dialing up the Fish & Chips?


And I looked at your band's myspace site... I really like what you're doing - the 12 string tone on Red Carnation was particularly nice. May I ask what the signal path for that was?

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Hey there!

You know, a lot of people have really got great sounds out of Janglebox ... especially those into McGuinn. I believe forumite badmuddy is a big fan, and if you can find his clips page, he's got some great ones of the Janglebox. The alt.rickenbacker google group also has a cadre of JB fans, and I remember someone has a few great clips as well. McGuinn himself is now using and endorsing the Janglebox.

That said, I wasn't getting anything too much more spectacular than what I was getting with just a very basic compressor and an EQ pedal... and I was picking up a bunch of radio interference/noise, which was a problem. Maybe it was just my unit, or how it interacted with my rig (I also did not like what happened to my delays...), but I decided as cool as it was, it wasn't worth the dollars that could be used on another pedal. So, my advice is to see if you can get there without the JB with what you have. If you can, great! You just saved yourself 200 bucks. But if the tone in your head is eluding you, then try the Janglebox. Might be the silver bullet for you.

Thanks for the compliments on our myspace site. Red Carnation, believe it or not, features a Dano 12 string into a Fish-n-Chips into a Cool Cat chorus into a Fender Vibroverb... recorded onto ADAT tape and then bounced to Protools for mixing and mastering. (I wouldn't be surprised if some compression was added to the tracks -- the solo for the 12 string was doubletracked (actually recorded twice by the same player) and mixed together.) I actually play the six string parts on that song... which is a Tele into a cranked Bassman. I probably used a Keeley BD-2 on the solos. What's kind of interesting is that we recorded the 12 string on a very humid day here in St. Louis -- and he was having a terrible time keeping that guitar in tune... Well, who came to save the day? Jay Farrar! Who had been recording his album Terroire Blues earlier that day at the same studio. He proceeded to tune the Dano 12 and play a few measures of Mr. Tambourine Man... a great moment of my life. ;)

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Thanks Ivor... BTW, how do you normally set your Fish & Chips EQ?

I've got a Dano 12 string - a blue sparkle DC-12. I always wanted a Ric 12 (I have a 610 6 string), but after getting this (basically "thrown into" a studio gear purchase from several years ago) I decided I can scratch the Ric 12 off the "must have" list - it's really a surprisingly good little guitar. :)

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Ivor, I have the same thoughts on the Janglebox that you mentioned. I just was not impressed with it. (the radio noise was extremely annoying!)

I use a PedalDoctor Tangerine Squeeze, which is like the orange squeezer, except it has a volume and compression knob. I play tons of Petty in my band and the squeeze comp into my bad cat gets exactly the sound I'm looking for. I'll add the ZIM for more od, and it works great.

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