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Way, way OT: p120dude

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Originally posted by blue halo

Like hell... I hate it here.. Too many reasons to list, but I'm planning on relocating to Denver, CO in the near future..

Say, anyone know of any jobs in Denver? *crosses fingers*

Say, is this SirGarrote in a resurrected form?


cOoL, I'm in Colorado Springs - we'll have to crash a party somewhere. What type of job are you looking for?







Here are some girls that crashed our show this weekend. I got the one on the left.




Well, the bass player and I shared her, actually. :(

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Water and Beer Education


WATER...... It has been scientifically proven that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli bacteria found in feces, in other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop !


However, we do not run that risk when drinking beer because alcohol has to go through a distillation process of boiling, filtering and fermenting.


WATER = Poop




Free yourself of Poop, drink BEER!!! It is better to drink beer and talk {censored} than to drink water and be full of {censored}.


There is no need to thank me for this valuable information, I am doing it as a public service.


Have a nice day...

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- Chuck Norris tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.


- Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.


- Chuck Norris is currently suing NBC, claiming Law and Order are trademarked names for his left and right legs.


- The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.


- Chuck Norris defines love as the reluctance to murder. If youre still alive, its because Chuck Norris loves you.


- Chuck Norris isnt hung like a horse. Horses are hung like Chuck Norris.


- If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you cant see Chuck Norris you may be only seconds away from death.


- Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead decided to punch his way out of his mothers womb.


- There are no disabled people. Only people who have met Chuck Norris.


- Chuck Norris can win a game of Monopoly without owning any property.


- There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live.


- In fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone has ever gotten.


- Chuck Norris invented cancer because he was tired of killing people


- In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Chuck Norris could use to kill you, including the room itself.


- Chuck Norris is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.


- Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.


- When Chuck Norris goes to donate blood, he declines the syringe, and instead requests a hand gun and a bucket.


- Chuck Norris has two speeds: walk and kill.


- When Chuck Norris jumps into a body of water, he doesnt get wet. The water gets Chuck Norris instead.


- Chuck Norris can divide by zero.


- Chuck Norris can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night.


- When Chuck Norris runs with scissors, other people get hurt.


- When a tsunami happens, its because Chuck Norris has been swimming laps in the ocean.


- Chuck Norris poops light sabers.


- Chuck Norris clips his toenails with a chain saw. But he holds it backwards.


- Chuck Norris likes his coffee like he likes his women: ground up, packed in a burlap sack, and thrown over the back of a donkey.


- Why did the chicken cross the road? Because Chuck Norris threw it.


- Chuck Norriss belly button is actually a power outlet.


- Camels have a hump because Chuck Norris needed a place to store his kills.


- Chuck Norris has a beautiful singing voice. Unfortunately, the sound of it would melt the average human brain.


- Chuck Norris has a pet kitten - every night for a snack.


- On his birthday, Chuck Norris blows out his candles by blinking.


- Outer space exists because its afraid to be on the same planet with Chuck Norris.


- When Chuck Norris vomits, wealthy people scavenge it for food. Too bad for them Chuck Norris never vomits.


- If Chuck Norris were a ballet dancer, hed strangle you gracefully with his tutu. And then himself.


- Chuck Norris graduated from school with a degree in Chuck Norris.


- Our founding fathers originally decreed a strict separation between Chuck Norris and state. Chuck Norris eliminated them.


- The only thing Chuck Norris fears is Chuck Norris.


- Chuck Norris uses staples as hair gel.


- Chuck Norris doesnt wash his clothes, he disembowels them.


- Dinosaurs were around the last time Chuck Norris farted, lets not hope he farts again.


- Chuck Norris recently had the idea to sell his urine as a beverage. We know this drink as Red Bull.


- Chuck Norriss {censored} is The {censored}


- Behind chuck norris beard is not a chin, its another fist!


- Chuck Norris can believe its not butter.


- Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a {censored}ing Indian.


- Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.


- According to Einsteins theory of relativity, Chuck Norris can actually roundhouse kick you yesterday.


- Chuck Norris once ate three 72 oz. steaks in one hour. He spent the first 45 minutes having sex with his waitress.


- As a teen Chuck Norris impregnated every nun in a convent tucked away in the hills of Tuscany. Nine months later the nuns gave birth to the 1972 Miami Dolphins, the only undefeated and untied team in professional football history.


- Chuck Norris lost his virginity before his dad did.


- Chuck Norris doesnt have orgasms, orgasms have a Chuck Norris.


- When nature calls Chuck Norris is already done.


- Cocaine is Chuck Norris dandruff.


- Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Chuck met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFKs head exploded out of sheer amazement.


- When Chuck Norris sends in his taxes, he sends blank forms and includes only a picture of himself, crouched and ready to attack. Chuck Norris has not had to pay taxes ever.

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Originally posted by Diametro

Actual size of Don's sole testicle ...

Hey, sweet boy, if you have something to say ... say it!

BTW, time for a new avatar ... if that is in fact you, you look like a reject from the gay bar scene in "Police Academy."

Coolness unpersonified.

Best post ever!



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Originally posted by Don Solaris

Best post ever!



I still say Don's avatar is John Schneider, not David Soul


Notice the resemblance between Starsky & Hutch & Bo & Luke Duke





Is Roscoe supposed to be Huggy Bear?

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