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Best Fuzz


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hm, it's almost never a good idea to start a "what is the best" thread, especially one on fuzzes. Too many of them. Most people here haven't even played a fraction of what is available. Myself, i've play about 6-7 fuzzes. I've played neither of the two you posted, see? If you ask me, i really like the Peachfuzz. It's a nice fuzz and a raunchy fuzz rolled into one. I'm very happy with mine. It's dead quiet and is well made and sounds versatile enough to not get boring.

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Fuzz is so personal and there are so many varieties that it's a long bow you draw.


If you said best Germanium fuzzface out of these two, you might be on the mark...


but I seriously expected this to be a monumental list of fuzzes.



I'm loving the Fuzz factory at the moment. The big Cheese is pretty ace too.

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I have the '69 and it's a very nice pedal. It's super tweakable and also has the NTK 275 transistors. I liked it a lot more than the fuzz factory, even though it's less extreme. The fuzz factory can defenately NOT get the warm fuzz sounds of the 69, these two fuzzes sound totally different.

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From the picture on the Fulltone web site, the '69 pedal appears to have an adapter jack. This surprises me, as the Analog Man writes this:


"We do not like to add a power jack to these pedals, as they are a compromise with a fuzz. These pedals are reverse polarity, so sharing a power source with another pedal will blow out the power source.....Using a single power cable from the Voodoo Labs Pedalpower 2 would be safe though. A power jack may add AC hum noise and will usually affect the tone, as the best sound is obtained by using an old style non-alkaline battery....It's not just the voltage that makes batteries and power supplies sound different. It's the resistance, inductance, and capacitance in the battery, which is part of the circuit in a fuzzface."


So, in the words of Billy G, what's up with that?

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Originally posted by RockNote

From the picture on the Fulltone web site, the '69 pedal appears to have an adapter jack. This surprises me, as the Analog Man writes this:

"We do not like to add a power jack to these pedals, as they are a compromise with a fuzz. These pedals are reverse polarity, so sharing a power source with another pedal will blow out the power source.....Using a single power cable from the Voodoo Labs Pedalpower 2 would be safe though. A power jack may add AC hum noise and will usually affect the tone, as the best sound is obtained by using an old style non-alkaline battery....It's not just the voltage that makes batteries and power supplies sound different. It's the resistance, inductance, and capacitance in the battery, which is part of the circuit in a fuzzface."

So, in the words of Billy G, what's up with that?



I use a burkey flatliner powersupply with a reversed polarity cable into an output where I can adjust the voltage and resistance. I really can't hear a difference from the battery I got with the 69. I can even adjust those values and get even moreout of the 69. (as if it has 7 knobs to adjust; volume, bias, contour, fuzz, internal trimmer, voltage, resistance!)

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Originally posted by Cow4prez

hm, it's almost never a good idea to start a "what is the best" thread, especially one on fuzzes. Too many of them. Most people here haven't even played a fraction of what is available. Myself, i've play about 6-7 fuzzes. I've played neither of the two you posted, see? If you ask me, i really like the Peachfuzz. It's a nice fuzz and a raunchy fuzz rolled into one. I'm very happy with mine. It's dead quiet and is well made and sounds versatile enough to not get boring.


yep yep..


then theres the ones ya can't buy to try like a crest audio by dave fox.. :(


I have tried the

analog man sun face.. :loved it

pro analog scary face, pro analog MKII : loved them

Zvex fuzzfactory: loved it

london fuzz : loved it


all different and great in many ways


I really think the 69 and 70 were meant to be GIGGING with a marshall at full levels coundlnt stand at the music store required levels, but the construction was awesome.. mike fuller makes tight {censored} built like a tank but for me it wasnt working with the goofy levels and wrong amp.. :(


its a enigma wraped up in a mind{censored} with fuzz pedals..

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the 69 is too decent for a fuzz

never tried the analogman, but it's a fuzzface clone and I am a huge fan of the Foxrox Fuzzfoot (also a fuzzface clone) and I'll never need another Fuzzface clone


but my fav fuzz remains to be the ZVex Fuzz Probe

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Originally posted by mrblackbat

I like the Fuzz Factory. But I agree that there are way to many I haven't tried to make a decision....



I couldn't deal with it and had to sell it after like 1 month. Way too far out there. I understand it's tweak heven, but I needed it for live aps and to me, that didn't fly

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I don't know what the '69 pedal sounds like, but I'm mucho impressed with the Analog Man.


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My only problem with this pedal is that I fear I shall step on the sun dial from time to time. It comes without the external trim pot, I know, but I like it on the outside, just not anywhere near my foot. Also, the lack of an adapter jack is a bitch, even with the clever on/off switch. However, if it's true that an adapter degrades the sound, as the AM claims, then I agree, battery is the only way. So, can the '69 pedal do what the AM can?

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