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you all use sm57's ???


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My current mic of choice is the sennheiser 609 or something like that. They're cheap, $110ish, and have a very natural sound, warmer, not as harsh as an sm57. Last time i was in the studio the guy broke one out, set it up and i was floored. Almost no eq tweaking at all, it was perfect from the get go.

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I use a few mics depending on what sound i want.

lately ive been using a sennheiser MD-421 for my guitars. I like the roll of, gives you a sense of dynamics over your dynamic mic. Every studio ive ever worked in either had at least one set of md-421s, and on one occasion i brought a set in to a job and the studio owner had a pair shipped by the end of the day. its a high grade dynamic, with a nice price.

I have also been using my blue dragonfly a bit for more open sounds. but thats a whole different experiment. REMEBER- Jimmy Page's law- Distance=Depth

now dont get me wrong. an sm 57 is a classic sound, and sounds great recording guitars. if you are not going to be selling it to people, then you are fine!

what soft/hardware you using?

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I use a tascam US122 into an M-audio Tampa preamp using adobe audition, I've got an old sure and a samson C0-1 condensor just wondering about other options as I find sure mic's a bit harsh , I'd love to be able to really crank my amp and put a bit of distance between the amp and mic but , not possible unfortunately ...

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i USED to use a 57 until my friend fried by running phantom power through it. i'm thinking of getting that sennheiser. the 57 is great to record with ALONE, but i have found that using it with more than one can be ok, but the phasing is terrible.

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Originally posted by TigerInATrance

You should probably look at that since phantom power won't fry a mic that doesn't need it (unless there is a huge power spike) It may have failed in a warrantee replacement type of way!



+1. 48v shouldn't hurt a 57. Falling from a four story building shouldn't hurt a 57. After the apocalypse, there will be cockroaches, twinkies, and SM57s.

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Originally posted by TigerInATrance

You should probably look at that since phantom power won't fry a mic that doesn't need it (unless there is a huge power spike) It may have failed in a warrantee replacement type of way!

As for better mics than an sm57... The Sennheiser E835 or E845 are both better mousetraps for about the same money. I use the 835 anywhere I might have used an sm57 in the past...



I hate the Sennheisers. They have a presence that always annoyed me, and they are feedback monsters on vocals. Then again, 15+ years of 57s does bias one.

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