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ok, vegan, and vegie people... you are right.. sort of.

Brian Marshall

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I really dont want to go totally vegitarian, but over the last couple years i go on spurts where i eat a lot of vegitables for a while, but inevitably get lazy, and drift back to eating bacon and ground beef, and {censored}ty carbs.


Now I love bacon, and probably could never totally give it up, so lets not go there.


Ground beef, for the most part tastes like i may as well be eating oatmeal anyways, but my wife likes to use it in everything... she also doesnt like vegies much, but that doesnt matter since we are both so busy we rarely eat together... its just always in the freezer...


for the last month or so, i have been eating a plate full of steamed vegies, especially couliflower, and broccoli for lunch. For dinner I will normally have a turkey sandwich on whole grain, a salad, or some skillet cooked chicken with more vegies. For breakfast i usually have a glass of orange juice. Ive noticed that i feel much better, except for on the two occasions that i ended up eating ground beef... (granted one was a wendys hamburger, so who knows if it was actually beef) Ive also dropped about 12 pounds.


Next time i go to the store, im going to buy organicly farmed chicken. I have been reading all about how chicken farms work for the last 5 years or so, and it just seems there are too many long term, and even possible short term health effects. Chickens are pumped full of more crap than cows are. I dont have any moral dilemma eating an animal... Now with the moral question aside, is there anything wrong with eating organic farmed chicken?????


I'm really going to try to stick with this in the long term


BTW I tried atkins and lost some weight at it a few years ago... but i felt like crap the whole time.

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I hate {censored}ing vegetables, but I do feel like {censored} all the time, though I'm pretty sure it doesn't have to do with my diet.


Today, I had an omlet and some sausage links. Last night I had a strip steak and a big ass baked potato. Usually hen I go home on the weekends, I get a combo, which consists of an italian sausage, shredded beef, cheese, and marinara sauce on a huge ass roll. I can't seem to stop eating beef, but maybe I should just focus on eating a little more healthy. I probably should just work out a little. I should find an all night gym, give me something more productive to do at 2am then sit here reading the forum. But what I'm really trying to convey in this post is that while you're probably older than I am, you'll still outlive me. Now, I'm going to go have some beef jerky.

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Originally posted by Brian Marshall

I really dont want to go totally vegitarian, but over the last couple years i go on spurts where i eat a lot of vegitables for a while, but inevitably get lazy, and drift back to eating bacon and ground beef, and {censored}ty carbs.

Now I love bacon, and probably could never totally give it up, so lets not go there.

Ground beef, for the most part tastes like i may as well be eating oatmeal anyways, but my wife likes to use it in everything... she also doesnt like vegies much, but that doesnt matter since we are both so busy we rarely eat together... its just always in the freezer...

for the last month or so, i have been eating a plate full of steamed vegies, especially couliflower, and broccoli for lunch. For dinner I will normally have a turkey sandwich on whole grain, a salad, or some skillet cooked chicken with more vegies. For breakfast i usually have a glass of orange juice. Ive noticed that i feel much better, except for on the two occasions that i ended up eating ground beef... (granted one was a wendys hamburger, so who knows if it was actually beef) Ive also dropped about 12 pounds.

Next time i go to the store, im going to buy organicly farmed chicken. I have been reading all about how chicken farms work for the last 5 years or so, and it just seems there are too many long term, and even possible short term health effects. Chickens are pumped full of more crap than cows are. I dont have any moral dilemma eating an animal... Now with the moral question aside, is there anything wrong with eating organic farmed chicken?????

I'm really going to try to stick with this in the long term

BTW I tried atkins and lost some weight at it a few years ago... but i felt like crap the whole time.

Hey Brian.

All joking aside.....IF you have a Trader Joes or Wholefoods market nearby.....I can give you all the shortcuts. IF you hate it, hey! At least you tried.

I am not against people eating meat, just the way it is now FARMED! There is no reason for it!

I have been a vegetarian for some time now....Just a thought!


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Ive been trying to do the same thing, recently... Im not cutting meat out of my diet entirely but I'm eating a lot more veggies and in the month or so since I've started eating healthier and going to the gym I already feel and look better. I guess it was inevitable... eventually you get tired of being the fat guy :)

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I always buy free range chicken. The problem is labels have no teeth and nothing to enforce.


So free range may mean on a farm with no beak, tons of antibiotics and fed animal proteins. Nobody enforces it and you can see that big business is interested in the "organic craze" not because they can offer better products to consumers but they can sell the same crap in a different package but at a premium to their bottom lines.

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when I was in london, through buying mostly from farmer's markets, direct suppliers and a good organic butchery I was pretty close to knowing where all the food I cooked came from, righ down to the addresses of the farms.


the interesting thing is that it ends up costing a lot of money to be able to trust one's food in a way that would have been taken for granted years ago.


if you want to eat well, you invariably have to sidestep the normal supermarket based distribution channels for industrialised food.

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Originally posted by adolf

Hey Brian.

All joking aside.....IF you have a Trader Joes or Wholefoods market nearby.....I can give you all the shortcuts. IF you hate it, hey! At least you tried.

I am not against people eating meat, just the way it is now FARMED! There is no reason for it!

I have been a vegetarian for some time now....Just a thought!



My dad is an organic farmer, raises bees, and birds mostly. Growing up we were always eating our own eggs chickens and rabbits. Through out my early/mid 20's my diet sucked... eating processed foods and stuff... i felt like crap and was always tired.


I started buying organic eggs a while back ago.. i still eat the good old heart attack breakfast on the weekends occasionally, and eggs are always useful when cooking. I definietly noticed a difference going back to them.


Basically at big chicken farms they look at hormones, and pharmaciticals as fertalizer.... its kinda scary, when you know that a lot residual hormones make it in to you, and in the case of cows and chickens they are probably using something similar to estrogen which encorages weight gain, and man tits.


There is a trader joes arround here, but its not exactly close. Organic is pretty big out here, so its not too hard to find organic food at the local grocery store.

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Originally posted by Leftside

Ive been trying to do the same thing, recently... Im not cutting meat out of my diet entirely but I'm eating a lot more veggies and in the month or so since I've started eating healthier and going to the gym I already feel and look better. I guess it was inevitable... eventually you get tired of being the fat guy


yeah man, i wish i would have done this earlier.... back when my wife wasnt going to school, i would just eat whatever she made... she would make crap that came in a box, and said just add ground beef, because it was easy..


but honestly, making a salad, or throwing some frozen vegies in the microwave is even faster.

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Originally posted by Brian Marshall

My dad is an organic farmer, raises bees, and birds mostly. Growing up we were always eating our own eggs chickens and rabbits. Through out my early/mid 20's my diet sucked... eating processed foods and stuff... i felt like crap and was always tired.

I started buying organic eggs a while back ago.. i still eat the good old heart attack breakfast on the weekends occasionally, and eggs are always useful when cooking. I definietly noticed a difference going back to them.

Basically at big chicken farms they look at hormones, and pharmaciticals as fertalizer.... its kinda scary, when you know that a lot residual hormones make it in to you, and in the case of cows and chickens they are probably using something similar to estrogen which encorages weight gain, and man tits.

There is a trader joes arround here, but its not exactly close. Organic is pretty big out here, so its not too hard to find organic food at the local grocery store.


I'll dig you out a list of TJ's stuff we eat. The meatless meat balls are amazing. Many good things!

You obviously know the deal.....It is indeed very scary!

We can choose...those poor little creatures? Well, that's another story!

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Originally posted by Brian Marshall

...are probably using something similar to estrogen which encorages weight gain, and man tits.


Well that is the problem with Beer too. :)


-Slows metabolism

-Increases appetite

-Loaded with calories

-Increases your body's production of estrogen. Hence man boobs and beer belly.


You can't win for losing!

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Originally posted by adolf

I'll dig you out a list of TJ's stuff we eat. The meatless meat balls are amazing. Many good things!

You obviously know the deal.....It is indeed very scary!

We can choose...those poor little creatures? Well, that's another story!



Have you ever spent any time arround chickens. They HATE people. I dont feel bad about eating them at all. They dont even have fur.


edit.... oh yeah... and meatless meatballs... im not ready to make that kind jump yet... personally i dont even like meat meat balls, so why try to substitue something. Ive eaten garden burgers and stuff before, I have the same problem with them as i do ground beef... it just tastes like filler.


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I'm curious about this too. I've been getting more interested in factory farming and the influence of corporatization on the meat industry. After reading up on the subject, I haven't been able to bring myself to buy any meat since. So its been mostly veggies, noodles, and breads for the last week or two. I don't really want to cut out meat altogether (yet at least) but I don't want meat that is pumped full of hormones and antibiotics and where the animals are brutalized. So how can I find the better options? There is a whole foods place in atlanta (about 2 hours away) but I'd be willing to drive over there once a month or something to stock up...

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Guest Anonymous

I had been on a steady diet of various sandwhiches (tuna fish, turkey, ham), the occasional veggie burger, and pasta... and I was kinda getting burned out on the routine although it was fairly healthy and affordable at the same time.


Then it occured to me that for a few bucks more a month I could simply add tomato's and lettuce to my sandwhiches and sure enough voi-la... did it not only make eating much more of a pleasure, but with-in a week or two I definitely _felt_ a lot better.


I'm gonna add some red onions to the mix and start making salads as well.


I did the veggie burger thing a long time ago as well, and ever since I really cut back on the fattie foods, anytime I go out to eat at a fast food place I always end up feeling like crap afterwards, so now even my eating out habits have changed... I'm ordering salads a lot more often, or soup and sandwiches, or splitting meals with people.


Not too mention too I've been drinking a lot more orange juice, tea, and water... and now carbonation just kills me unless I'm eating a big meal at a restaurant or I'm out drinking.


Speaking of drinking... I still find myself ordering a large pizza the morning after a night of drunkeness... never fails to make the day of hang-over so much more pleasant for some reason... but any other time it would make me sick to eat even a few pieces of Papa John's pizza... lol...



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Originally posted by Brian Marshall

For breakfast i usually have a glass of orange juice.


If you want to lose weight, don't skip breakfast. It kick starts your metabolism in the morning.


Oh and do exersize, lots of it :)

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i've been veggie for about 2 years now. i lost about 30 pounds and feel much better. i used to have stomach problems a pretty good bit - i haven't had a stomach ache (unless it was from not eating for a long time) since.


if you can't figure out how to spell, feel free to copy and paste any of the following words into your post:


vegetarian, vegetables, veggie.






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