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I hate it when people ask "Are you a musician?"


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I hate that.


Especially when it's like "Hi, I'm Dan. I played cello for the symphony, studied at Julliard under a famous Russian composer, and tour with 9 sell-out world class musicians. I've been featured on Austin City Limits and I have 7 different labels vying for my affections.


Are you a musician also?


Well.... ARE YOU?!"

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Well I told you about the lady that served us up in Nashville at the Melting Pot. She said she was a musician and I'm like "hey so am I!!" And she's this trained operatic musical theatre girl from vandy. :cry:

She started asking me and I'm like "I'm just a rock and roll goober...sorry 'bout that"

she laughed. She was hot. I think she wanted me.

Put into perspective of course...she was working at a resturaunt.

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You know what I hate? I never get the chance to be annoyed by that question. If I just played rock guitar, I'd probably be bitching about it with the rest of you. But crap. Everyone, every single person I know, even ones that know how I feel about it, they just HAVE to introduce me with "this is Christopher. He's a tuba player!" And then the new person has to go all googly-eyed, and I have to say "oh, but I'm so much more than that, sister" with a wink so they know that tuba player does not equal circus freak. And I have no control over the first conversation I have with, like, EVERYONE. Geez, people. It's just a tuba. Think trumpet but bigger, and I'm more polite than all the trumpet players you've met. Now lay off the tuba thing!

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actually, i really hate it when people call themselves "musicians" or "artists."

usually what has happened when people call themselves "artists" or "musicians," is that they've mistaken their lack of ability for genius. they think that since no one "gets" what they're doing with their instruments then they're "misunderstood." this is true, however, but only literally; like a child who can't form the words, only jibberish spills out.

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I've got most of my equipment in a small space, and I never fail to be amazed by people who would walk into my room, see six or seven guitars on a rack, an amp or two, and ask if I played guitar.

I told one girl that No, I wasn't a musician, I just had a very limited sculpture collection.

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Originally posted by gethsemane

actually, i really hate it when people call themselves "musicians" or "artists."

usually what has happened when people call themselves "artists" or "musicians," is that they've mistaken their lack of ability for genius. they think that since no one "gets" what they're doing with their instruments then they're "misunderstood." this is true, however, but only literally; like a child who can't form the words, only jibberish spills out.



Sounds like you're just being cynical.


I call myself a musician. What else am I supposed to call myself? A guitarist? Ok....I sing as much as I play guitar. I play bass and keys almost as much as I play guitar.


Am I a singer? A bassist? I make music. That's what a musician does.


And seeing as how I live in Skynyrd land I'd say it's a safe bet that a lot of people don't get what I do.


That's ok by me, I'm not complaining.

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Yeah, I hate when people ask me that. I play {censored}ing guitar like I write poetry like I {censored}ing breathe. Its what I {censored}ing do, not who the {censored} I am.

The best thing is when I have my guitar and people ask me if it's a guitar. My answer is always "nope, this is my gun." I get some strange looks; I don't know why. I take my second {censored}ing ammendment rights seriously.

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Originally posted by Thelonius

Sounds like you're just being cynical.

I call myself a musician. What else am I supposed to call myself? A guitarist? Ok....I sing as much as I play guitar. I play bass and keys almost as much as I play guitar.

Am I a singer? A bassist? I make music. That's what a musician does.

And seeing as how I live in Skynyrd land I'd say it's a safe bet that a lot of people don't get what I do.

That's ok by me, I'm not complaining.




Well said Sir.

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you're not a circus freak chris, we introduce you like that because we're so freakin' impressed that we actually know somebody who plays the tuba that we can't help but introduce that way. we're talking you up!

i'm a guitar player. "musician" is a term other people (mostly those with a tin ear) call me.

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Originally posted by Thelonius

Sounds like you're just being cynical.

I call myself a musician. What else am I supposed to call myself? A guitarist? Ok....I sing as much as I play guitar. I play bass and keys almost as much as I play guitar.

Am I a singer? A bassist? I make music. That's what a musician does.

who? me? ;)

my real problem is the abuse of the word. nowadays, any kid who knows a chord is a musician. that ain't right.

so im not (and wasn't) saying you should not call yourself a musician, i just don't think most people who do should.

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Originally posted by Help!I'maRock!

i'm a guitar player. "musician" is a term other people (mostly those with a tin ear) call me.



that's the route i tend to take when people say "oh, you're a musician." ill try to qualify it with something like "i play guitar and write a few songs."

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Originally posted by jcn37203

I think some of you mistook my bitching.

I don't dislike the term "musician". I just don't want to be talking to Joe Montana about how I played football in 9th grade, you know?



i got it, i just went the other way with it.


but yeah, i know what you mean.

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I was at a party a couple weeks ago. It was being thrown by a guy I know who has a studio, so it was all musicians. I was keeping a low profile, but someone mentioned about me being a musician, and it was like "Ohhh, you should jam with us later".

The jam started just as I was leaving. Considering the fact that there was an appalachian dulcimer, an upright bass, a banjo, a baby grand piano, a ukulele, and a pedal steel all being assembled and/or tuned up, I was pretty sure it was 'bout to get hot up in thurr, and way out of my league.

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i used to live in vienna (city of musicians!).
there's a true story about one of the lead tenors of the state opera standing on kaerntnerstrasse. apparently he had a rather grand view of himself and his occupation. and he didn't like mingling with commoners because when a couple of american tourists approached him, asking for directions to a tourist site,
he looked insulted and replied "i am an opera singer!"

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Originally posted by gethsemane

who? me?

my real problem is the abuse of the word. nowadays, any kid who knows a chord is a musician. that ain't right.

so im not (and wasn't) saying you should not call yourself a musician, i just don't think most people who do should.

I see where you're coming from and completely agree.

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"Are you a musician?"

I just swign around, hand on my hip, with a shocked/pissed off look on my face and say:


Then I get back into my ups truck and finish of my shift.

Rock on...

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one friend of mine was fond of introducing me as a writer. although writing was, technically, part of my academic job it wasn't a great explanation of it. people would assume I was a novelist or poet or something and I'd then have to explain that my "writing" only involved obscure and largely ignored academic papers and reviews...

...btw, I have no problem being introduced as a musician.

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