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anyone ever change instrements in a band?(i.e. bass to guitar?)

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I am moving to drums!!! I am a decent drummer and since we couldn't find one I am it. We translated alot of songs to 1 guitar, found a new bass player *I think* and we are gonna get the ball rolling again. I hate to have bought so much cool guitar stuff, but I am sure I will use it all again. I am even buying an electronic drum set to practice w/ and get back in the groove. Anyone else have to do this? I know a friend who moved to bass after not ebing able to find a bassist.

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Originally posted by UnkleSlam

I started out on bass in my teens then later switched to guitar, within the same band.



Its great within the same band. Since I already know the songs by heart they were so easy for me to pick up. The hard part, I am finding, is making the drum parts my own as opposed to copying my old drummer.

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Been a guitarist/singer almost all of my professional music career (retired these past 18 years). Switched to bass to get into one cover band that seemed to be making some bucks, and they chucked me out after one gig . :p:thu:

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I played drums for an already-established punk band when I was between bands. I only joined because I wanted a drum set to practice on and I missed playing shows. It was annoying having to listen to a guitarist and singer who didn't have a clue what they were doing. I lost interest quickly.

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Originally posted by Eddie

The bass player in one of my former bands started as our drummer.

For the last song of the set, he played drums, the drummer played guitar, and I played bass

My old band I joined my drummer on our last song. It always got the crowed pumped. I also recorded one of our songs on drums. It was a good thing too because in all honesty, I was a bit better then him :)

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Originally posted by Fingermush

I play musical chairs, with instruments. Execpt for Drums, I suck at drums.



At least you can admit it. I know(and have known) a million musicians, most of whom were talented, thought that they could play drums. And they all SUCKED for the most part. I am not saying I am the best or anything, but some of these guys think they rock, but really, I laugh inside. We all know musicans like that

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Originally posted by goodbye,beautiful

At least you can admit it. I know(and have known) a million musicians, most of whom were talented, thought that they could play drums. And they all SUCKED for the most part. I am not saying I am the best or anything, but some of these guys think they rock, but really, I laugh inside. We all know musicans like that

The worst is when people tell me their friends are great drummers, but they only know like three or four beats; all of which are Pop-Punk.:rolleyes:

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Yeah, it's funny. I can pick up most any instrument somewhat (besides woodwinds and slide brass ones) and at least sound semi-unasslike on it.

But you put me behind a drum kit and the only thing I can do is a beat SORT OF resembling the kid from Life Goes On trying to play Ton Loc's "Wild Thing," but much, much worse. Actually, I LOVE playing that little beat when I'm around drummers because it makes them so, so angry. And the more they tell me to stop, the louder and more offbeat I play it. But I'll NEVER be able to play the drums; no illusions there.

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Originally posted by goodbye,beautiful

I keep going back and forth between drums and guitar. I love them both and wish I was in a band where I could switch it up. I guess I will have to start a new band to play guitar in

Something like The Band, perhaps :D
Didn't some of them switch instruments often?

I have to say that I have a deep admiration for drummers. Although I enjoy drummer jokes, I find it fascinating how some drummers can coordinate so many body parts and make it sound great.

I recently started learning about drums while using Battery. I think that's as close as I'll get to playing drums :D

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i started playing guitar, and after pissing about with friends basses decided to get one of my own at the start of summer

i am working on a band with a guitarist friend of mine, which has only got as far as us two playing together, so i am jumping between guitar/bass in that band at the moment, to be decided properly whenever we get other guys to fill out the band - whats available and who is good enough, i know for example my friend mentioned never being really happy with the rhythm guitarists he has played with before, so if we play well together i will stick with guitar and find a bassist, or if we dont switch to bass and find another guitarist

i suck at drums too, i have tried playing with them a couple of times (out of amusement, not in a band or anything) but i have no coordination at all for playing different beats with different arms/legs

pavements two states live on the dvd - sm switches to drums and the drummer sings (along with bob nastovich) why, nobody knows, but it sure is amusing


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