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ot: dont you hate it when people smoke in the nonsmoking section!


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Originally posted by BillyGrahamCracker

Exactly. Just like a non-whining section on an internet message board that non-smokers might frequent.



man, i was just expressing my opinion...thats all...everyone else does it..why pick on me..come on..


i also hate pres. bush, can i say that?


also, I like zvex and boss pedals...


come on, chill, its my post

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I love to smoke. I smoke seven thousand packs a day, ok. And I am never {censored}ing quitting! I don't care how many laws they make. What's the law now? You can only smoke in your apartment, under a blanket, with all the lights out? Is that the rule now, huh?! The cops are outside, "We know you have the cigarettes. Come out of the house with the cigarettes above your head." "You'll never get me copper! I'm never coming out, you hear? I got a cigarette machine right here in my bedroom. Yeah!"

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Originally posted by agentcooper2001

I love to smoke. I smoke seven thousand packs a day, ok. And I am never {censored}ing quitting! I don't care how many laws they make. What's the law now? You can only smoke in your apartment, under a blanket, with all the lights out? Is that the rule now, huh?! The cops are outside, "We know you have the cigarettes. Come out of the house with the cigarettes above your head." "You'll never get me copper! I'm never coming out, you hear? I got a cigarette machine right here in my bedroom. Yeah!"



amen, denny!

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I hate when people smoke in the non-smoking section because I hate people who choose what rules to obey and what ones not to obey.
When I was younger and angrier it used to make me mad when people parked selfishly and took up two spots. I figured if they felt like they could ignore the park between the lines rule, then I could ignore the don't kick a big boot print into other people's car rule. I don't go around kicking things anymore, but you get my point.
I don't smoke and I don't care if other people do, but I have gotten tired of selfish people who don't think the rules apply to them. Sure rules suck, but if you flagrently disregard them, then don't expect anyone else to obey them either.

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I think it is an interesting thing. Many aggressive liberals and conservatives alike blame the no smoking craze on self-righteous, wishy-washy, and otherwise apolitical suburbanites who often come from socalled "Blue States" and feel safe on only the no smoking platform.

That said. I stopped smoking, couldn't feel better, and THANKFUL. When I was a smoker however, I could not stand people who'd smoke walking down the street, into autoparts stores, smoking while eating, toss butts onto the ground, smoking around children.

Smoking only made sense to me with coffee, after eating, with alcohol, reading a book, conversation with a good friend, and playing rock.

Now I can't stand the smell. The old man that lives in my building smokes in common areas. I was pissed cause it smells up my turf and it is ILLEGAL. I was pissed at the guy until I saw that he was smoking Nat Sherman MCD's and I decided, as tasteless as his activity is, his choice in cigarettes couldn't be better.


Public smoking is tacky. As tacky as public cell phone use. But there are better crusades and better fights to be fought.

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Originally posted by zachary vex

nobody can smoke in any bars here in Minneapolis anymore. it's a trend spreading from the coasts. smoking sections are anywhere that's outside, so that problem has changed completely here.

except here in southern california where restaurants are starting to put up "no smoking" signs in the outside seating areas...or buildings will have signs that say you cant smoke within 20ft of the building. its getting ridiculous.

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OUR DOMINION- The Legendary Pink Dots- All the King's Horses

From 15 shades of dog's dust,
We fell in fields of flowers.
Felt like dancing in the dusk,
But didn't have the power.
Now we had a place...
It wasn't much, but it was ours...
We called it Our Dominion.

Built a cabin on a crest...
Spent evenings in your eyes.
You'd tell me tales of noble quests...
I'd sing you lullabys...
We'd sleep beneath those triple moons
Entwined beside the fire.
Truly, Our Dominion.

And from a cloudless sky
Our friends descended
Wearing silver wings.
They'd heard the sound of distant laughter
Read our thoughts in smoky rings...
Sure enough, they liked it here...
Sure enough, they all moved in...
They called it their extension.

Someone said "Get organized! We'll prosper if we scheme!"
He opened a casino, he pumped fluoride in the stream...
They named a plaza in his honour...
{censored}, they keep it clean.

From each and every angle, highways grew from holes in hell...
They numbered all the houses, built a thousand black hotels...
Demolished our poor cabin, we relocated to a cell.
We called it "space"...

They taxed the air, the earth, the little birds up in the trees...
They fined us for a kiss in public, we paid up when we sneezed...
And soon the place was richer than Pope Pious Avocado III...
And all his dominion...

The city climbed the mountain,
The mountain sped on skateboards
To the sea...
They lined up, mouthed a dozen Holy Marys on their knees....
The waters opened wide, they planted flags
And in they dived...

Time to fly away again
Was all too claustrophobic...
We shuffled to the park...
But it was fence-to-fence aerobics...
Thunder clapped, it rained black boiling bile
And we fled soaking...

Still there is a place deep down inside your soul
Where only I can go...
There's a place deep down inside my soul
Where you can go...

Call it "Home"...

Our Dominion...

Our Dominion...

Our Dominion...

Our Dominion...

Our Dominion...

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Originally posted by dot-dot-dot

The thing you have to remember about smokers is that they're addicted to the nicotine and cannot be expected to be rational, hence their antisocial behaviour.

Exactly...that's why their balls and nipples must be removed at high velocity to encourage them to snap of this Malaise.

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Originally posted by seifukusha

id tell him to {censored} off but ive donw this tons of times now. Im sick of it....theyll just cop and attitude " dumb whitey... "

soon, all intercafes will be non smoking anyway



If they are polite enough to actually say, "Mind if I smoke?" say "No, not at all. Mind if I fart?"

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