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Yet another thread closed... (note: this is NOT an Oasys thread)


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Originally posted by protues9

Dude, the answer is A in both cases.


Of course that is incorrect. Think about it -- if Korg actually "controlled KSS" all of the OASYS bashers would have been banned a year ago.


Heck, if I was in control of KSS I would have banned them a year ago also!! Of course, if "my opposites" were in control of KSS, they would have banned me a year ago . :)


What can we conclude from all of this?

The moderators are simply tired of arguments about the OASYS from the same old parties (including myself).

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Originally posted by protues9

why do the moderators care about which old gang is which? what about the ADSR gang? what about the old EMU gang that we used to get? on and on ...

Dude, the answer is A in both cases. If not we are owed a serious explination under the threat of a mass exodus away from here...


and dont forget the WALTERS9515 gang ;)

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What can we conclude from all of this?

The moderators are simply tired of arguments about the OASYS from the same old parties (including myself).


fine, either way it sucks.


If you'll agree with me that other memebers, sick of other threads are entitled to the same protection, I'll give you some respect.


But until then, i'm utterly convinced it's A.


We all deserve to be protected from the same threads that come up over and over again, that serve no purpose except to undermine the stability here. What does it take to get equal protection? The dude thread went on for about a year before it got yanked, the legacy / oaysys thread, 2 days. Dont tell me in 2 days the oaysys thread got more complaints than the dude did in a year.


Anyway you stack it, it's unfair treatment.

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here something else... Martin this is not directed at you...


and while were all fuming..


Im tired of software programmers and people that work for synth companies that sneak their way into forums and try to convince people to buy their products.. they do everything short of giving me a reach around trying to talk me into something I obviously dont want. If I ciriticize something, It's because Ive found a flaw or lack of features that don't suit my workflow or some other reason. I back that up with a fair and unbaised evaluation.. If you want to tell me to my face that you don't care about my informed, intillegent opinion and that I should buy it anyway.. F off! I can't tell you how many guys in disguise ive butted heads with from roland and emu .. god!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:


whew... that feels better

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Originally posted by protues9

We all deserve to be protected from the same threads that come up over and over again, that serve no purpose except to undermine the stability here.

The dude thread went on for about a year before it got yanked, the legacy / oaysys thread, 2 days.



While I do think the "dude120" thread was silly, I wouldn't ever characterize it as destabilizing. However, OASYS threads are definitely volatile, and I am sure the mods are just tired of seeing them.


To me, the "dude120" thread provides a perfect example of how I think members should behave:

-- if they are genuinely interested in a subject, they should "post away"

-- if they are NOT interested in a subject, or are only interested in disrupting a thread, they should not post.


I was never really interested in the dude120 thread so I typically ignored it. I browsed it a few times just to see what they could possibly be talking about for 10,000 posts, but lost interest fast. Therefore, I must be "un-goddy".

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While I do/did think the "dude120" thread was silly, I wouldn't ever characterize it as destabilizing. However, OASYS threads are definitely volatile, and I am sure the mods are just tired of seeing them.



lets just red card this one

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It would help hugely if people on both sides got a sense of humor over this and stopped taking it all so personally.


Lets face it - most gear we buy is arguably hugely overpriced - but thats the laws of demand and expected volumes, and perceived risk (which is allways high with first release of a technology) etc.


The Fusion was considered by many (here in europe at least) a complete rip off to start with until it got good and the prices came down (coincidently at the same time) - now many of us condider it an excellent bargain (except the poor sods who paid top dollar for it).


It is rather a shame that it has got to the stage where we can no longer make sarcastic remarks or otherwise take the piss out of certain products if you guenuinely feel there is something of a piss take going on in the other direction (not thinking of any particular product here, nor am I suggesting that there is a piss take going on - however perceptions are often more important than reality...).


From a moderators perpective however, I can fully understand their nervousness - lets face it the wars were not pretty. As for the reasons why it was so bad - well - I think there was a very obvious reason why it got so bad compared with similar debates over other products - but I'll keep that to myself for fear of starting another war :)

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Originally posted by MartinHines

While I do think the "dude120" thread was silly, I wouldn't ever characterize it as destabilizing. However, OASYS threads are definitely volatile, and I am sure the mods are just tired of seeing them.

To me, the "dude120" thread provides a perfect example of how I think members
should behave

-- if they are genuinely interested in a subject, they should "post away"

-- if they are NOT interested in a subject, or
are only interested in disrupting a thread
, they should not post.

I was never really interested in the dude120 thread so I typically ignored it. I browsed it a few times just to see what they could possibly be talking about for 10,000 posts, but lost interest fast. Therefore, I must be "un-goddy".


Alas martin Hines.. we forgive you for your Un-Goddiness...


But there is STILL time to repent!!!



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you're missing the point man. There are plenty of people here with hurt feelings over other threads not involving the oaysys, that didn't get equal treatment.


Why would the mods be nervous? they dont want to get sued? We have free speach, still .. :rolleyes: Crap, i'd respect them at least if they'd say as much..

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GODDY!!! I had to work a couple of long-ass shifts and my thread is gone! :eek: Whatever went down, I think I missed it.


Originally posted by Khazul

It would help hugely if people on both sides got a sense of humor over this and stopped taking it all so personally.

I agree with that! :thu:

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Yep, they really DEEP-SIXED that one

and we were havin so much fun keeping the Goddy contained ...

ah such is life.

other threads will take its place.



They did..


Actually I meant I just wasn't going to persue debate with martin hines any longer.

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Originally posted by Array

Good point. What about all of the ADSR threads which have been ignored? It seems that anything related to Korg on these forums gets prefferential treatment. That's highly unethical, if you ask me.






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Originally posted by protues9

and so who from here is flooding their in box? if we can let ADSR slip past the mods, I can't see some nancy boy running to mommy about oaysys.. if they are, they deserve a good arse kicking, cause that stuff is tame by comparison



Not me. When I last talked to someone very high up in the KSS ranks, almost all the complaints came from Korg employees and Irish Acts users (the official Korg forum).

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Originally posted by Array

By the way, this isnt the only forum that these Korg folks have tried this on. They tried to pull this same {censored} on VSE, only to get their asses handed back to them. Of course, the local population there had a newfound disdain for all things Korg after all was said and done.



What's VSE?

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Originally posted by G-bus

Feel free to believe whatever you want.

I urge everyone here to stay on the topic at hand, and to NOT let this thread get dragged down into another attack-fest, lest this one be closed as well. As it stands right now, this is thread is NOT about the Oasys. Let's try and keep it that way.



Yep! Good call.

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