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25 year old teacher who had sex w/ her 14 year old student


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Originally posted by The Friendly Ranger

Oftentimes, many of the effects of these types of things aren't seen until later so it's difficult to say how it will affect the boy. This could lead him down a path he wouldn't have chosen otherwise. Difficult to see, the future is.



a lot of people are chiming in with the "this kid just became the coolest dude in school", which, granted - to 14-18 year old boys, is probably true.

for the moment.


rest assured, once the novelty wears off, an experience like this will become an albatross around the kids neck as far as peer forming goes.


short term damage - probably not much.

long term damage - very likely.


this woman got off pretty lucky.

she better stay pretty for a long while, because her life will eventually get tough. and she certainly deserves it.

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What is the 3 year rule? Sounds like something that only would apply to dating teenagers.

I myself prefer the French method of choosing an age of a female companion. Take your age, divide it in half, and add 7.


Originally posted by Happy_Thom

shes's hot and the kid wanted to = no crime but maybe a slap on the wrist because he was a bit young.

He wasn't taken advantage of.

If a man did that to a girl it's different, even if it's not rape it breaks the 3 YEAR RULE!

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Originally posted by Gaf-Yag-A-Ton

Is there a self hating female-pandering-male demonizing MALE in EVERY thread about this issue? You sir...are a traitor of the male gender. WEEEEE ARE THE GENDER THAT MARRIEEESS PEOPLE YOUNGER THAN USSSSSS. ITS OUURRRR GENDER THAT DOESNT DESERVE THE DEMONIZATION.

I would repeat myself but i already addressed this issue in another thread.



You bellend...

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Originally posted by The Friendly Ranger

Oftentimes, many of the effects of these types of things aren't seen until later so it's difficult to say how it will affect the boy. This could lead him down a path he wouldn't have chosen otherwise. Difficult to see, the future is.

What would be REALLY damaging is alot of people telling him that he was molested over and over and asking him how it feels to be victimised, and badgering him until he DOES.


It's happens ALOT.

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Originally posted by Alexbiscuit

fact = 14 year old boys just want to bang someone, especially a hot teacher

fact = 14 year old girls dont want to bang anyone, and as hot as a 23 year old male teacher is to them, will not bang him willingly.

this isn't a societal issue, it's just humanity.



I disagree... when i was in JR high, I knew lots of girls dating guys twice their age, and i know almost all of them were having sex.... seems kinda creepy, but if we hold those guys to a different standard than a woman then what is wrong with us? At the same time, there were a few of my teachers i would have done.


My point is that saying girls are victimized more than boys may be true in general, but not always the case. I knew a girl in highschool that started dating a guy in his late 20's when she was 14. They got married after highschool. Now i personally would hate the idea of a relationship with someone too much younger than me... I dated a 16 yr old when i was 19, and it was rediculous how much of an age differecne that really is.

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Originally posted by The Friendly Ranger

Oftentimes, many of the effects of these types of things aren't seen until later so it's difficult to say how it will affect the boy. This could lead him down a path he wouldn't have chosen otherwise. Difficult to see, the future is.

Thank you, Yoda.


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Originally posted by yaz75

While I completely agree in terms of the real world, the fact that she got off relatively light pisses me off.

If the roles are reversed he'd be painted a monster and given 15 years. Would I have done her at 14? Of course.

But if women want total equality then they should get total equality for he good stuff, AND the bad stuff. Mary Kay goes to jail but this woman gets house arrest? I need to see some equity from the justice system here.



Are women in general really asking for equality anymore... 2nd wave feminism is more dead than anything... but anyways, i agree with out for the most part. The law does not discern whether it was a man or woman who broke it....


My question is this: If we had the same situation with the genders reversed, and it was 100% consentual, and the victims family asked the prosecution to be easy on the "rapist" what would actually happen???? I'm just asking, I'm not sure what the judge or prosecutor would do. I have a suspision, that even a light secntence would include at least some jail time... even if it were only a year.

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Originally posted by The Friendly Ranger

Oftentimes, many of the effects of these types of things aren't seen until later so it's difficult to say how it will affect the boy. This could lead him down a path he wouldn't have chosen otherwise. Difficult to see, the future is.



you could say the same thing about horror movies, heavy metal, mary jane, hip hop, twizlers, and scotch tape.


the publicity from this will probably affect him more than anything else.

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Originally posted by Alexbiscuit

fact = 14 year old boys just want to bang someone, especially a hot teacher

fact = 14 year old girls dont want to bang anyone, and as hot as a 23 year old male teacher is to them, will not bang him willingly.

this isn't a societal issue, it's just humanity.



ahahhahahahahah! you are joking right?

Nobody with younger sisters would say that. I take it you dont have any.


My sister had a crush on kevin sorbo.

He was pretty old. And she was always developing crushes on movie stars... almost all of whom were like over 25. And music stars.



I think the big difference between males and females is.. males fall in lust.. .and females fall in love. And when females fall in love ... 80% of the time... its with someone older than them. How many years older depends on the chick and the dude.

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Originally posted by Lanefair

Holy {censored}. Also, how come they never use the P word when a woman does it?




That is why males need "sexists" speaking up on behalf of males.

Males have been brainwashed by women to ONLY demonize ourselves. Never demonize women.

So only males grow into "dirty old men" and women grow into "mature". Only males are Pedos. Women are hot.

Males are always "predators and manipulators" and women are always "oh so hot".


All these assessments are in DIRECT conflict with marriage statistics. Why are males who are older than their wives in most marriages always "predators" and women who are rarely older than their husbands (from a statistical standpoint) always "HOT"???


Because women subconciously want to sabatoge the older male/ younger female marriage phenomenon and reverse our polarity so that we marry females older than us...... and have brainwashed us via the mother process to acheive this. (not on purpose. subconciously. Women only call males perverts so naturally her male children would do the same),


Thats the only way to explain why I was a toyboy when when i dated a woman who was almost 40 when I was 19 but a "predator" when I dated a girl 5 years younger than me and I ended up in a police station (I was let go because of consent laws).

How dare me like someone i would actually marry... right MILF?


I call women pedos pedos.

Either 14 is going to be pedophilia or its not. YOu can't have it BOTH ways (hot for some... sick for others. Science doesnt' function that way. Its either or.).

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`"I am male. If I fall in love with a younger female who loves me when I'm older it's because I'm sick. You are female. If YOU fall in love with someone younger when you are older... its because you are hot. Did i say it right, women?"-The voice of the brainwashed feminized woman-warped male.

"I am male. I grow into a sicko. YOu are female. You grow into a milf. {censored}KKK YOUUUUUUUUU!!! age of consent 16!!!"-The voice of the "sexist" with gall. How dare him

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One thing that is a tad different though.

When a man "rapes" he generally has to use drugs, or violence, or both to accomplish the task, whereas,

If a hot babe does it, all she has to do is take her clothes off, spread her legs, give the "come hither" look and the rest is history.

The man rapes.

The woman seduces.

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Originally posted by dot-dot-dot

Probably very deliberate - last thing she wants in court is to look as saucy and seductive and brazen as possible!



Yeah seriously.


Judge: "Well, you look like you suck 14-year-old cock! Off with your head!"

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Originally posted by mst3k

One thing that is a tad different though.

When a man "rapes" he generally has to use drugs, or violence, or both to accomplish the task, whereas,

If a hot babe does it, all she has to do is take her clothes off, spread her legs, give the "come hither" look and the rest is history.

The man rapes.

The woman seduces.




This is what actually makes women MORE dangerous and so male kids need more protection. There is this thing called aids and herpes which women carry. And the older/more experienced and more sexually loose a woman is.... the more likely she is to have these. A male 14 year old doesn't have money to buy condoms or have the tests done on his snatch.


And why do males speak as if males have no sex appeal. Males have no sex appeal to males but that doesnt mean a male doesnt have sex appeal to a female.

A male with sex appeal doesnt have to "rape" at all. If you have to rape your females for them to have sex with you... the problem isnt taht you are male... the problem is you arent as my sister would say "a stud muffin". Stud muffins seduce as easily as women... and males with money do even BETTER than women. NOt only can they seduce easily.... they marry {censored} half their age to boot. ask my dad. He'll tell you all about how money is males greatest tool.



From now on.. i think it should be the CHICK who says whether she was "raped" or not. Because society's guess work and ESP..... sucks.

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