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25 year old teacher who had sex w/ her 14 year old student


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shoot...i think i spent most of my awake time in high school fantasizing about my female teachers...most of them were bangable and to me they were always using a undertone of sex in the daily routine, but maybe that was just what i wanted to read from them!:D
I think it was more harmful not getting it for all those years...:freak:

i hope the guy never gets his dick sucked again!

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I think that's the idea. She was desperately trying to come across as a 'good girl' for the court.

Given that she's not going to prison, I'd say it worked.

My take:

Shame on her!

Attaboy for him!

And you KNOW that kid has mega-bragging-rights around that school now.

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i read an article on all these women teachers sleeping with male students. it seems the better looking they are the less punishments was doled out. The hottest one got a slap on the wrist while one of the older not so good looking teachers got jail time. and their sentences definitely got more severe as the teachers got less attractive.

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I was cracking up this morning....

This kid is a hero amongst his classmates....The authorities are just piss'd this kid got what they fantasized about in school.....I mean, she was 23 at the time....

He Shoots, He Scores....!!

No way he was unwilling.....But yeah, he is a victim - cuz he hit the home run at 14 - everything else will pale in comparison for years to come - High school chicks will seem like jokes to him.....After all, she got nailed for lewd & lacivicious conduct - so you can imagine she did things to him HS girls just dont even know yet :D

A good time was had by all I am sure...!!

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I'll be the lone voice of dissent on this subject. I think she should have gotten 25 years. If the genders were reversed, we'd be crying about what a sicko a male teacher is banging a 14 year old girl. Because of what she's done, this teacher has created another person with the attitude that you can and should sleep with anyone willing to spread their legs for you, as long as they're hot and there's a reasonable chance you can get away with it. It's not as emotionally scarring as a male teacher raping a female student, but it's damaging nonetheless.

If it were my son who had sex with his teacher, I wouldn't rest until she was behind bars for a good long time.


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Originally posted by spaceshot

i read an article on all these women teachers sleeping with male students. it seems the better looking they are the less punishments was doled out. The hottest one got a slap on the wrist while one of the older not so good looking teachers got jail time. and their sentences definitely got more severe as the teachers got less attractive.

The psychology makes sense.


The hotter she is, the more likely he was willing....

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