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I admire Jason Myrold


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Originally posted by bieke

nothing sexual, I love his work, look at this custom Fuzz Factory paintjob



custom order from our Japanese distributor. there's some kind of specialness associated with ostriches in Japan. maybe the same way we look at the Roadrunner...

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Originally posted by bieke

To all ostriches in Japan I'd say : keep running !


oh that, i knew that. Japanese like to eat alot of strange things..

whale is actually tasty.

dont tell anyone i said that!

shark sashimi is way yummy, a tad salty though

Dont tell that either....:thu:


i heard terminator x from public enemy has an ostrich farm in n.c. now....cool. i love him:wave:



honeyspiders right, it is way cute. i like how the ostrich is looking at you....dont step on me!


fuzz and ostriches. thats a sentence i never thought id say.


good night

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