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Dyna Comps and Ross Clones


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Okay this might be a stupid question, but you gotta learn somehow:


I see some of these boutique compression pedals described as Ross Clones or updates on that design. Now, I haven't tried any of those, or an original Ross for that matter, but from what I've read, the Ross was originally an updated/improved Dyna Comp design. So my question is: Will all the pedals of the Ross family have the sonic fingerprint of a Dyna?

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Originally posted by strangegrey

I always thought it was the other way around, that the dyna was a modification of the ross....

That's right.


They're the same family, so they're fairly similar. A few component changes. Some like Ross better, others like Dyna. Both are squishy!

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Originally posted by Faber

So my question is: Will all the pedals of the Ross family have the sonic fingerprint of a Dyna?



Yes, if you hate a dynacomp you will not love a ross clone, in that case try something like an orange squeezer clone (our Juicer or one of many other good clones).


have fun!

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Originally posted by analogmike

Yes, if you hate a dynacomp you will not love a ross clone



I found this not to be true. I bought a stock Dynacomp and thought it was "plinky" and thin. I built a Ross clone and it is so much smoother and was everything I thought a compressor should be.

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Thanks for the replies guys.

Actually, I like my dunlop Dyna Comp, but I could see myself getting something with a bit less colouring of the bypassed sound someday.

And Analogmike: I'm already gassing for one of those Juicers as it is, no need for the enabling :)

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It is noisy, but I don't know that it is unreasonably so. You know, I used to have the Carl Martin, and that had the clearest sound I could imagine, but also had two things I didn't like 1) the range of sounds was impressive, but in the end got in my way. I like something that is easier to dial in and forget about. 2) Whatever one might say about the dyna comp, it has a "personality", a distinctive recognizeable sound. The CM doesn't. So I feel that I traded down in terms of sound quality, but up in terms of effect quality and ease of use.

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