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OT: Examples of Band Websites

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Originally posted by Ivor The Engine Driver


My band, the Love Experts, are revamping our website. Would love to see just a few examples of relatively simple (no fancy-schmancy flash) but "elegant" and "stylish" sites to look to for inspiration.



well, we were after pretty much the same thing - we wanted the site to look cohesive, but simple, with a few tricks under the hood with no flash embedding.


so we picked 3 colors and went with it.

aside from the media page where color photos skew the color theme, we think we got a pretty unique looking site with only three pages.


simplicity - each regular page has only 2 columns of content, one large banner image, and we try and limit the amount of hyperlinks to outside sites.


tricks - the top navigation banner has 3 symbols that appear in the large left hand window on mouse-over.

the media page is constructed of about 40 layers, each photo being a mouse-over layer with no breakout browser window to view them.


in the works: a customized media player to play our music, instead of the normal quicktime loader on it's own page.


have a look:


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One thing I wish we hadn't bothered with (and it's only been there a few days) is the message board on our website. It's getting trolled, but not posted on by anyone genuine. How crap is that? It wasn't my idea to put it there, and personally I don't think our site is well visited enough to warrant it. :(


Any ideas on how to make our site more worth visiting?

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Originally posted by english_bob

Any ideas on how to make our site more worth visiting?



First things first, I'd set it up where the words look right. I was looking in the Band section, and the pictures of the band mates cover up most of their biographies. Also, I just think that some of the graphics are kind of boring (the links at the top of the page, for example). I do like the over all concept, though. Also, in the Band section, there's that picture of lead guy on acoustic, and I get the feeling that it's supposed to be the whole band, but it's just the lead guy. Plus his pants don't fit him (sorry if that's you...no, really, I'm very sorry for you;)).

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Originally posted by cantoXIII

beautiful site man. the setup that you have is usually how i build my sites. one main graphic which is the actual website structure, then every page just opens inside the iframe inside whatever border is created.


Good deal...we got ours for the low price of $350.


:D :D


* prices in your area may vary.*

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