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What pick you use?


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Dunlop Torex .60s. Nothing fancy here. I don't know why I use them really. They just work better than any other pick I've used (although I might try the Dunlop nylons). My first setup was .88s with 9-46 strings, then I switched to .73s with 10-46, but neither really worked. Then I tried the .60s, and it was magic. Then I found out that Chris Cornell (my musical role model and earthly god) plays .60s with 10-46 strings, so there you go. It clicked.

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Originally posted by GorillaLover

I sharpen it with a few strokes per side across the carpet..

used to use Jazz III's.. got some Dava picks tonight, but I haven't tried them.. don't like the look of them so much in my hand..

i used to carelessly sharpen my celluloid picks w/ sandpaper till someone reminded me that celluloid's flammable! :eek:

still do it, just not as vehemently.

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I've done a *lot* of experimentation with different pick types over the past few months.....so far, I like:




Pickboy picks are hard to find in my area. A local store finally got some in, but not in the gagues I wanted. :roll:
The .88s aren't bad, but I would prefer the body to be a tad thicker. I'd also like to try some of the Pos-a-Grip and Pos-a-Jazz models as well.


The Dunlop Jazztone 208 is an awesome pick....it's a big honkin' THICK pick with a nice pointed tip. Not sure what the surface is, but very grippable. I like these a lot, but sometimes they can produce an overtone. Again, hard to find in stores.


So far, I'd have to say this one is my all time favorite. You hear a lot about the Dunlop Jazz III, but I much prefer it's slightly larger brother, the Jazz III XL. Perfect shape. I'd like to see Dunlop come out with a Gator Grip and Ultex version just for comparison, but I'm not holding my breath. Again, very hard to find in stores. I seem to have a knack for liking "exotic" picks.

I do rather like Ibanez picks...just wish they made all of them out of the same polyacetal as the Vai model signature picks. Love the pointed end on the Gilberts, like the material of the Vai's better.

And still yet, there are a BUNCH that I'd like to try that I haven't found yet.
The Gripick


Brossard Picks (wooden)

Kradl Guitar Picks

MacPherson Graphite (only available at Guitarpickcentral.com)

Fernades PPS picks These are pretty good, too. I got a sample 0.8 mm regular, and it has a pebbled field at the top for grip. I'd like to try the 1.0 and jazz versions.

Clayton Black Jazz I've only tried the regular Acetyl Claytons....haven't quite decided if I like them or not....

Wegens Picks


And these are just some examples of ones not normally found in shops that I'd like to try. I've purposefully left several out for brevity's sake.

Of the more common ones, the Dunlop Gator Grip 1.5mm (oddly, the 2.0 mm seems to create the occasional unwanted overtone) and the Ultex 1.14 are both very good.

If anyone has tried any of the above models (or others, for that matter), I'd love to hear a discussion about them.

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Originally posted by thepoisonchef

I tried posting this in the elcectric guitar section but no one said squat so maybe i'll try here and just ask: why you use that pick?




i HATE california clears

they are heavy

but then they wear right off in like one minute



the one and only

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Originally posted by GuyaGuy

at the risk of sounding like an amateur dolt (i really am one, just don't wanna SOUND like one...)

what is a jazz pick exactly? for some reason i get the impression it's stubby and thick. yes? no?


I assumed those were jazz picks. They came in a few gauges, including thick and stubby. It's basically the pointy tip and round body that makes "jazz" picks.

I've also heard these referred to as jazz picks, but I'm not sure why.


I'm mostly interested in figuring out what those ridges are for... Seems mildly kinky. I guess if you pick with the ridged side you're supposed to get a 12 string effect or something? I don't know. :confused: I want to get a few. :winkwink: Pleasure ripples.

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Originally posted by Skitzo130

I just got an idea

i could have my name and number on a solid colored pick and i could give them out to girls

wut do u think?



I think business cards would be cheaper.


But custom picks are nice for gigs if you have the money.

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Mostly the standard yellow Tortex, although I sometimes use the red Tortex on acoustic if I'm looking for the strumming sound you get with a softer pick. I also occasionally use a felt pick on bass, and have a few other picks (okay, a lot of others) sitting around. Sometimes it's nice to experiment with different picks for different sounds.

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