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Originally posted by sprech_stimme

Again, you had posted a personal snipe ("Wtf are you talking about? Try and have a point next time.") before I posted at all.





I stupidly posted a picture of some guy yawning, as i thought i could see yet another 'Korg' slanging match ensueing.


Looking back, i can see why the guys i mentioned would be slightly narked, so maybe their comments are fair. ( they certainly arnt personal snipes)


The point of the 'Yawn' was an attempt to halt any more arguements.


Unfortunatly, it seems to have backfired, as i have inadvertently instigated something i was trying to stop.


I apologize to all involved.

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Originally posted by sprech_stimme

When logic fails you, go for childish obscenity. Always a good choice.



When logic fails ME? You are the one who failed to see the absurdity of complaining about a bunch of preset-using window lickers leaving the korg forums....on a forum where Korg trolls such as yourself have driven away many fine gentlemen who happen to be good synthesists. You are the one who decided to answer sarcastically.


Honestly, I would not be the least surprised if sprech_stimme was just Martin Hines using a new monicker. Any mods want to check IP's here?

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Originally posted by Array

Oh? So it's just typical run of the mill stuff we should expect to see on this forum as long as you are a moderator then?



So bad you never noticed there are THREE moderators in here, not only one.

It happens that I'm more time online and I have to do some "public laundry" more frequently than Yooz and Paolo, but we all are always communicating each other before doing any important move in here; so, this as never been a personal issue between you and me.


It is YOU against the forum, and I' afraid you've lost the match.

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Originally posted by Gus Lozada

It is YOU against the forum, and I' afraid you lost the match.



What in the world are you talking about?? You are not some movie star, Gus, so stop trying to audition your cheesy movie lines for us.


The only losers here are the forum members, who are left to deal with your misguided moderation "policies". Randomly deleting posts and locking threads is A-OK in your book, but banning people who have come to this forum for the sole purpose of starting flamewars is not? Bravo!

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Originally posted by Array

What in the world are you talking about?? You are not some movie star, Gus, so stop trying to audition your cheesy movie lines for us.

The only losers here are the forum members, who are left to deal with your misguided moderation "policies". Randomly deleting posts and locking threads is A-OK in your book, but banning people who have come to this forum for the sole purpose of starting flamewars is not? Bravo!



Before you can not actually read this -summed to the fact you have your inbox mail full- :


No, I am not a movie star in a cheesie movie. This is just a general perspective of what's really been happening lately with you in this forum.


The losers are forum members, when an On Topic thread becomes a series of nonsense attacks to other users.


We DO NOT like to ban users -specially ones with more than a couple thousands of posts-; We want users to understand that there are rules to be followed -and moderators to keep them observed- and give a fair amount of warnings. Even better, the so claimed "auto-policing" of the forum sometimes supports this.


If that is not happening, we have to apply what the user's terms policies say.


And I say "we" because no moderator can ban an user. This is submitted to the administrators with evidence -personal messages, threads content, etc- and then WE -mods and admins- proceed.

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Originally posted by Gus Lozada

No, I am not a movie star in a cheesie movie.

Then stop acting like it allready. The machismo mentality is seen as absurd here in the states, even more so in Europe.

Originally posted by Gus Lozada

We DO NOT like to ban users -specially ones with more than a couple thousands of posts-; We want users to understand that there are rules to be followed -and moderators to keep them observed- and give a fair amount of warnings. Even better, the so claimed "auto-policing" of the forum sometimes supports this.

NEWSFLASH: Sometimes you HAVE to ban people. I've said it before and I've said it again, if Martin Hines had been banned 2 years ago when him and the rest of his IrishActs buddies muscled their way into OASYS discussions, none of the problems which we've been having on this forum would have occurred, nor would have so many USEFUL members have had left. The same {censored} is happeninng in this thread. A new member comes to this forum, from yet ANOTHER Korg forum, for the sole puprose of starting a flamewar and you refuse to nip the problem in the bud! Will you only be happy after every worthwhile individual is muscled out of this forum? All you will have left in the end is a bunch of idiots asking "which Korg has the best presets???". :rolleyes:

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Wouldn't it make more sense if moderators weren't active participants in the forums? I feel that this would lead to a more objective approach to moderation.

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Originally posted by IcedNote

Wouldn't it make more sense if moderators weren't active participants in the forums? I feel that this would lead to a more objective approach to moderation.



They may as well go back to the way things were. Getting the new moderators on board hasnt helped a thing. I think things have actually gotten worse.

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Originally posted by Array

What in the world are you talking about??

That you aren't half as loved as senior member as you like to think.

You are not some movie star, Gus, so stop trying to audition your cheesy movie lines for us.

Mod sass, awesome idea there :rolleyes:.

The only losers here are the forum members, who are left to deal with your misguided moderation "policies".

No, the losers are those who have to deal with bull{censored} threads or those who ask a legimitate question which is then completely crapped up by your bickering.

Nobody minds having a bit of fun, but systematically ruining everything with the word Korg in it - seriously.

Randomly deleting posts and locking threads is A-OK in your book

As Gus says, banning is something we can't do easily. I haven't figured out the trick yet to convert myself to electrons and personally deliver you a slap on the wrist, so that's the second best thing. A lock is better than deleting; everyone here is so incredibly inquisitive that you'll get people starting threads about disappeared threads.

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Originally posted by Yoozer

That you aren't half as loved as senior member as you like to think.

Mod sass, awesome idea there

No, the losers are those who have to deal with bull{censored} threads or those who ask a legimitate question which is then completely crapped up by your bickering.

Nobody minds having a bit of fun, but systematically ruining everything with the word Korg in it - seriously.

As Gus says, banning is something we can't do easily. I haven't figured out the trick yet to convert myself to electrons and personally deliver you a slap on the wrist, so that's the second best thing. A lock is better than deleting; everyone here is so incredibly inquisitive that you'll get people starting threads about disappeared threads.

Ah, so this is the part of the thread where I get yelled at for Martin and sprech_stimme's latest {censored}fest? Bravo.

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Welcome to the circus, lets watch the clowns in action.


Obviously mike51 and array are jealous and full of envy, but why?


From reading arrays posts he is obviously young, 17, possibly 20, inexperienced musically and has issues with anything or anyone with more power than him, why else would he pick fights with members who are older, wiser, more skilled and experienced than him? people like array will deny all of this though.


Array picks fights with the moderators who have more power, enjoys fights with members who own very expensive boards, he repeatedly attacked a member who owns a korg oasys, he even picks fights with some of the more talented members. One of the best things about array is he'll pick a fight and be rude but as soon as someone fights back he screams the place down ha ha, got to love him. Mike51 could almost be the same person but this hate for all things korg seems much more freaky, somehow.


Guys, sort yourselves out.

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Originally posted by winterandsummer

Welcome to the circus, lets watch the clowns in action.

Obviously mike51 and array are jealous and full of envy, but why?

From reading arrays posts he is obviously young, 17, possibly 20, inexperienced musically and has issues with anything or anyone with more power than him, why else would he pick fights with members who are older, wiser, more skilled and experienced than him? people like array will deny all of this though.

Array picks fights with the moderators who have more power, enjoys fights with members who own very expensive boards, he repeatedly attacked a member who owns a korg oasys, he even picks fights with some of the more talented members. One of the best things about array is he'll star a fight, be rude and obnoxious and as soon as someone fights back he screams the place down ha ha, got to love him. Mike51 could almost be the same person but this hate for all things korg seems much more freaky, somehow.

Guys, sort yourselves out.

Ah yes, another Korg troll has arrived. Where are the mods in all of this? :rolleyes:

If you are so "old and wise" why dont you offer us some insights instead of leveling off-base personal attacks?

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what REALLY pisses me off is that I would actually LIKE to hear some perspectives on the OASYS/Korg, but those two (particularly array) makes it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to communicate WHAT SO EVER with someone who actually has one.

Cue array's snappy comeback. maybe involving Micheal Hines, his wife and a goat. My mother may be involved too. somehow. But oh yeah, I forgot he is going to say I AM Micheal Hines, and that I work for Korg.

everyone just needs to let array have the last word so that he can go on with whatever he does when he isnt pleasing himself and proving he is just smarter than everyone.

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Originally posted by Tony Scharf

what REALLY pisses me off is that I would actually LIKE to hear some perspectives on the OASYS/Korg, but those two (particularly array) makes it virtually IMPOSSIBLE to communicate WHAT SO EVER with someone who actually has one.



Did you go back and read this thread, or just the last page? I had nothing to do with Martin Hines busting out his Korg Police badge in this particular thread. Seriously, you are just contributing to the problem here.



Originally posted by Tony Scharf

Cue array's snappy comeback. maybe involving Micheal Hines, his wife and a goat. My mother may be involved too. somehow. But oh yeah, I forgot he is going to say I AM Micheal Hines, and that I work for Korg.



Hey, you said it, not me.

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Ive been reading the whole thread. You are El troll numero uno. I bet just BET if I posted a thread about the oasys, asking a simple question, the following would happen:

someone would jump in and say it is too expensive..

Mr Hines may say that it isnt if you consider all that it is

you would jump in and accuse him of trolling.

thread descends into yet another dick waving contest.

Guess what man? your the troll. troll. troll. troll.

I am not a violent man. but someone needs to beat some sense into you with an axe handle.

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Originally posted by Array

And, honestly, if you are looking about well founded opinions regarding the OASYS, you are looking in the wrong place. The only person here who supposedly owns one is Martin, and he has admitted on many occassions to knowing nil about the inner workings of the thing.

Korg forums are this way:



I dont care much about its inner workings. thats all a bunch of tech bull{censored} wankery. I'd like to know how it feels to work with it.


its just kit.

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Originally posted by Tony Scharf

Ive been reading the whole thread. You are El troll numero uno. I bet just BET if I posted a thread about the oasys, asking a simple question, the following would happen:

someone would jump in and say it is too expensive..

Mr Hines may say that it isnt if you consider all that it is

you would jump in and accuse him of trolling.

thread descends into yet another dick waving contest.

Guess what man? your the troll. troll. troll. troll.



Is that what happened here? NO.




Originally posted by Tony Scharf

I am not a violent man. but someone needs to beat some sense into you with an axe handle.



Seriously, you need help. You do realize that what you just said could be grounds for legal action, right?

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Originally posted by Tony Scharf

I dont care much about its inner workings. thats all a bunch of tech bull{censored} wankery. I'd like to know how it feels to work with it.

its just kit.



Not like Martin would know anything about that either, as he uses the preset Karma patterns.


And inner workings being "bull{censored} wankery"? Wow, you certainly seem open to well founded reviews, which are not based on fanboyism. How about this "the presets are nice and the keybed is above average". There, I've told you all that anyone else on this forum could have said. Happy now? What else would you like to know?

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