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Do I want a DMM?


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I have some questions about the Deluxe Memory Man I hope someone can answer. I see it come up on a lot of these pedalboards, so i'd like to learn a little more about it.


1. Max delay time?


2. How fast(think fast leslie) can the chorus go? How slow(think slow warble) can the vibrato go?


3. How does this built in preamp work? Can you still put the level high without getting it to overdrive?


D. Is it worth the high price tag? What's a decent used price?


7. TB? How's the buffer if it's not?


9. How does it sound in front of an amp, as opposed to an effects loop?


I plan on selling my Blues Junior and building a 5E3 Tweed Deluxe kit from somewhere, and selling my BYOC Delay for something. If it helps, I play rock n' roll, ambient/noise and all sorts of crap. I think I want the DMM (although I have never played it.) So if anyone could answer these questions for me, I would appreciate it very much.



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Originally posted by Rushfan2112

I have some questions about the Deluxe Memory Man I hope someone can answer. I see it come up on a lot of these pedalboards, so i'd like to learn a little more about it.

1. Max delay time?
advertisedas 500ms but mine is 400ish.

2. How fast(think fast leslie) can the chorus go? How slow(think slow warble) can the vibrato go?
both effects have a fixed rate

3. How does this built in preamp work? Can you still put the level high without getting it to overdrive?
not with buckers

D. Is it worth the high price tag? What's a decent used price?
yes I dunno the prices in $ in USA

7. TB? How's the buffer if it's not?
later models TB, earlier models the preamp was on all the time

9. How does it sound in front of an amp, as opposed to an effects loop?

I plan on selling my Blues Junior and building a 5E3 Tweed Deluxe kit from somewhere, and selling my BYOC Delay for something. If it helps, I play rock n' roll, ambient/noise and all sorts of crap. I think I want the DMM (although I have never played it.) So if anyone could answer these questions for me, I would appreciate it very much.




There's a demo vid on the EH page as well as sound clips. It's an amazing pedal and if you run one as well as say a DD3 then you're in delay utopia.

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Originally posted by wacopacco

+1 i use a dd3 and a DMM. all the delay i could ever need.




I am actually thinking about going with this setup..


I use the DMM + DL4.. i use the dl4 for echo and long delay.


i'm thinking maybe a DD3 + DMM + something else for echo..

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its supposed to be 550msec but some or alot leave the factory with less time. it has just enough headroom but if yr pickups are hot then it will distort. there is no speed control for the chorus or vibrato. a mod for that and other things can be done by the guy who designed it howard davis. look him up in the search. i had an alignment dont to mine and he increased my time to the full 550.

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I use it it for my pre-pre-amp delay. So I can get those weird messed up tones. It's my most used pedal in my rig.

Yeah the headroom is shakey, it clips way early but I like what it does when it clips a little.

The EP I recorded recently with my band we used it extensively if you go here http://www.myspace.com/thebrillianceband and listen to "The Next Morning, half way through where the bass drums and lead guitar kick in it's me using JEM7VSBL>DMM>Triaxis>2:90>2x12 Avatar Cab

I think it sounds fantastic

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i think it largely depends on what pups your using. My tele has pretty low output pups so it's fine. Same with my strat. With my LP however (burstbucker V's, now known as burstbucker pro's), it does lose some headroom. If your after crystal clear delays dont go for the DMM. What it's for is nice warm analog cloudy grungy chorusy beutifull delays.

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Originally posted by wacopacco

i think it largely depends on what pups your using. My tele has pretty low output pups so it's fine. Same with my strat. With my LP however (burstbucker V's, now known as burstbucker pro's), it does lose some headroom. If your after crystal clear delays dont go for the DMM. What it's for is nice warm analog cloudy grungy chorusy beutifull delays.



Yeah its fussy with high output humbuckers apparently. Definitely not crystal clear either. But who gets an analog delay for that?

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Yeah, I play with P90's, so I assume it would distort. But I never keep the volume cranked on my guitar often. I didn't expect crystal clear delays. If I want that, I'll grab a digital delay. (Maybe a DD3! That seems to be popular here)

I don't like this noise problem I hear, and not getting the full 550 ms isn't that great. I'll just have to play one. Any chance anyone here has tried some of these mods? (http://www.diystompboxes.com/pedals/mmmod.html) Or is Howard Davis the way to go?

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Originally posted by Rushfan2112

Yeah, I play with P90's, so I assume it would distort. But I never keep the volume cranked on my guitar often. I didn't expect crystal clear delays. If I want that, I'll grab a digital delay. (Maybe a DD3! That seems to be popular here)

I don't like this noise problem I hear, and not getting the full 550 ms isn't that great. I'll just have to play one. Any chance anyone here has tried some of these mods? (
) Or is Howard Davis the way to go?



It might be just fine with P90's...and it definitely will if you send it to Howard. Howard Davis will cost more but he designed the freakin' thing so he can make it sound its best.

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Originally posted by Wilbo26

It might be just fine with P90's...and it definitely will if you send it to Howard. Howard Davis will cost more but he designed the freakin' thing so he can make it sound its best.

Yeah, I'd say so too.

Now to play one.... :D

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Originally posted by TheAtomicJeff

I exchanged it for another - so I had
within this time period.

Same results = noisy pedal with no headroom.

well i am very sorry

which model?

Ext chord or Pwr supply?

I have the power supply one and it makes zero noise..

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