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Serious amp help Please!!!

C Fuzz

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About 2 years ago when I got back into guitar playing after taking 5 years off I bought a Crate GT1200H with matching 4x12 cab new for about $600. Back in the late 90's when I was playing in local clubs I used a Marshal Valvestate (ss)half stack with just a crybaby and didnt give a crap about tone, so I didn't know when I bought the Crate.


Nowadays I am a family man who just plays in my "guitar" room. I play at least an hour every night, it is my passion and my escape. BUT, I don't see myself being in a band, nor do I want to ANY time soon. So I do not need this 120 watt ss head and 4x12, and it probably doesnt suit my style anymore. I only use the clean channel, this is my board...




I am thinking I could sell it on ebay for maybe $300 (pick-up only) and get something more practical. I'm not sure I need a tube amp because I am a fuzz nut and not an overdrive type o guy. I would like a 1 channel amp if possable, maybe those epi jrs? If anyone has any suggestions on what I should do please let me know.




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