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OT - Glasses or contacts?


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Which do you prefer, and why?

I've been wearing contacts for ages but the ongoing costs of getting news ones plus the need to renew the prescription (and thus pay for another eye exam) every six months is starting to get on my nerves. Should I change or should I cling to the old ways in desperation? :cool:

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Contacts...because most of the time you don't even know they're there. It is annoying when they dry out sometimes or if you get something stuck in them, but once you're used to them they're great.


Glasses are handy for getting up in the morning or whenever your contacts are bothering you. I actually need to get a pair for around the house.


If I had to choose between one or the other I would choose contacts. :thu:

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I wore glasses and contacts for 25+ years. Saved $4000 and got the lasic (sp?). Now I have 20/15 in both eyes, can wake up in the morning and see the time. lay on my side in bed without having my head hurt from glasses and go swimming without having to wash my hands and take my lenses out. Or look like an idiot when my lenses dry and wink a million times trying to get it back into place.


If you have the money, do lasic (sp?) you won't regret it. Just make sure you research the doctor thoroughly.

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Its interesting you post this because i went to the eye doctor today. I had run out of contacts a couple months ago so ive been wearing glasses. The est is to have both. Some days i dont feel like messing with contacts so i just wear the glasses and be done with it. Im glad i have my contacts back because they are so much more convenient. If i had to pick, i would go with contacts though because they are nice when you are wrking out, driving (so you can wear sunglasses) and basically doing any oter activity. Glasses are nice when you just wake up though

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I've had crap eye sight since I was about 11, started with glasses and got contacts when I was 14. They have their pros and cons. I hate when they get dry, I always carry eye drops with me to keep them refreshed otherwise they just irritate me after a while.

Glasses are handy for all those times when your eyes are too tired to put lenses in, for getting up in the morning, evenings in etc.

Both are damn expensive. My left eye is around -4.25, right -3.75 so I'm waaay short sighted. I always get my glasses with the high index (thin lenses), anti reflection/scratch coating and on my latest pair the transitional coating so at least I have some sun protection when I'm not wearing my contacts.

To be honest it urks me that being able to see and keep some semblance of a nice appearance costs so much money. Vision is a basic human right.

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I use Accuvue 2 Night & Day so I wake up seeing fine.

You can leave 'em in for 2 weeks then throw 'em away & pop in another pair.

Haven't had to wear my glasses for years now.


Well actually i had acuvue 2's also and i would leave them in for months at a time. I would anly take them out if they were really bugging me or if they fell out or something.


I went to the eye doctor today and they said that it was really bad to leave those in. They switched me to acuvue oasis and said that they let alot more oxygen through so it wont be as bad if i leave them in. Supposedly there are some available that you can leave in for a month but they are more expensive.

I will try to take them out more now because they said all kinds of {censored} can happen when you leave them in

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