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Digitech Expression Factory Questions


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so i have some questions on the ex-7


first, is the space station setting able to do a quasi hall reverb sound? i also noticed someone say that there is really no adjustments that can be made to the time or diffusion of the space station setting, is this correct?


how chewy can the wahs get as far as intensity? could they get quasi filter territory if in a fixed position.


can you by using the pedal sweep on the flanger model, get a fixed position sound?


on the flanger, can you get quasi chorus sounds?



thanks for any answers.......there isn't alot of info on these things

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1. space station only does the arpeggiated delay thing (forget what they call it)


2. wahs are very tweakable, adjustable sweeps and such


3. fixed flanger: yes


4. not really sure what you're describing there.


i love my EX7.

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There are 2 wah settings, a Cry Baby and a McCoy. One knob controls the freq. range (the high and low of the sweep), one knob controls the Q (lower = mild, higher = wilder) and the other knob is the level.


As for chorusy sounds, the UniVibe and Leslie settings can get there. The UniVibe is switchable between chorus or vibrato.


Very cool pedal...plus it's got 7 different distortion models in it. Some are better than others.

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1. space station only does the arpeggiated delay thing (forget what they call it)

2. wahs are very tweakable, adjustable sweeps and such

3. fixed flanger: yes

4. not really sure what you're describing there.

i love my EX7.

Good answers.

Bad avatar.

I still don't like the up/down switching as it's still really stiff - other than that - I love this pedal too. :cool:


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