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The Simpsons Movie!

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I just hope that this one big bang for such a bland cartoon will signify the end of the series. It's a cartoon, but it's not made for children to enjoy. How high it ranks in entertainment is quite sad really. You mean the majority of people actually like that crap? I don't get it.

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was WAY better than expected, the simpsons has become less funny after watching family guy, but the humour in the movie is becoming more like family guy, i enjoyed it!



Even though I lvoe Family guy, this is exctly why I didn't like the movie as much as you guys did. Simpsons earlier shows by far are the best. The opening scene where SPOLIERSSSSS!!!





















































Homer tells everyone they are an idiot for paying to watch what plays on TV for free, now THAT was funny. Especelliy since I don't pay for movies since I work at a theatre!

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I just hope that this one big bang for such a bland cartoon will signify the end of the series. It's a cartoon, but it's not made for children to enjoy. How high it ranks in entertainment is quite sad really. You mean the majority of people actually like that crap? I don't get it.




wow. you are correct sir, you definitely do not get it. The above statement is pretty much the absolute definition of "not getting it."

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As much as I love Futurama I think it should remain dead. Family guy series 3 was the best of the first three and so it was right that they get reinstated. But the last season of Futurama was a bit poor, the plots were a lot less ambitious and they kept reusing peripheral characters that were just not very good in the first place. The simpsons is so significant to tv that I don't think it matters if it carries on or not.

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I saw the movie yesterday. I can't remember the last time I heard so many people laugh so hard in a theatre. I'm still high from this hilarious flick. It was better than I expected it to be. Never a dull moment.

I have to disagree with those who say the series isn't so good nowadays. It's the funniest hippest comedy on TV with all its sharp social commentaries, silly but highly effective jokes, guest appearances and superb writing. Sure, there are a few other good comedies on TV but none make me crack up like the Simpsons.

People who don't like the Simpsons really just don't get it. They don't get the humor and they miss the entire point of the show. But that's ok. They've got plenty of fans around the globe.

There's a reason the show's been around for 18 seasons, folks......It's brilliant!

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