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gonna thin the herd...


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2 guitars (that hardly get played)

5 pedals:

vintgae mxr chorus

aria auto wah

my guyatone 70s comp (which i dig for asthetic reasons, but it never gets used)

yammie delay/sampler

and one more i cant recall


i should make about $200 profit on the sale and Ill get the mbox mini with that and money for a trip.


too much stuff.....


that said, i plugged into my beebaa last nite...damn, that aint getting sold!


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2 guitars (that hardly get played)

5 pedals:

vintgae mxr chorus

aria auto wah

my guyatone 70s comp (which i dig for asthetic reasons, but it never gets used)

yammie delay/sampler

and one more i cant recall

i should make about $200 profit on the sale and Ill get the mbox mini with that and money for a trip.

too much stuff.....

that said, i plugged into my beebaa last nite...damn, that aint getting sold!






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2 guitars (that hardly get played)

5 pedals:

vintgae mxr chorus

aria auto wah

my guyatone 70s comp (which i dig for asthetic reasons, but it never gets used)

yammie delay/sampler

and one more i cant recall

i should make about $200 profit on the sale and Ill get the mbox mini with that and money for a trip.

too much stuff.....

that said, i plugged into my beebaa last nite...damn, that aint getting sold!



a trip where? where ya goin'?:)

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Could you be more vague please?


my g&l tele and my ymmie acoustic. I have access to other acoustics that i play so its a shame it doesnt get more love.


the tele cause i didnt love my others enough, but when i play them, i love the tele less, so...

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wow.. a young asian girl is a hall of fame member on a message board devoted to guitar effects? odd.. anyway I don't have many strong feelings as to what you should do with your other belongings ( don't really care ) but you are right about one thing the Bee Baa rocks... don't ever sell it..

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