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Best New pedal day ever !




So, Im going to start playing around on this. If anyone would care to share any cool settings they enjoy, that would awesome.


Regular delay settings, oddball modulation sounds...whatever.


Lets start a collection of DMM settings !

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Well I played with it for about 30 mins...


I was a little afraid of the headroom/clipping issues Ive heard about. Maybe I got lucky but I had ZERO problems, the LED barely came on, and I had the input up pretty high.


Obviously the modulation/delay combo on it is awesome. I have to say, I feel like the delay time sounds shorter than I expected. Playing it side by side with my Delayla it seems like the delay is a little longer on the Carl Martin. I might consider doing the delay time mod on it if I can come up with the cash.


Surprisingly I think the tone of clean delay on the Delayla is BETTER than the DMM. I should say however in fairness, I have already found it's "sweetspot", im still experimenting with the knobs on the DMM. When I have found my preffered setting on the DMM, then we will see which unit I like better.

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It is supposed to be like 550, but most of them supposedly need to be professionally calibrated, no chip replacement required. Of course you could do the super long delay time mod.



Units that have been knocked around might need re-calibration, but this one is pretty new, dont think it would be needed.


The long delay time mod is what im considering looking at.

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Units that have been knocked around might need re-calibration, but this one is pretty new, dont think it would be needed.

The long delay time mod is what im considering looking at.



As I understand it the issue is more to do with EHX not calibrating them to Howard's spec.

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As I understand it the issue is more to do with EHX not calibrating them to Howard's spec.



Weird, thats not how i understood it when reading about it on Howard's site.




Electronic products containing analog delay ICs, and a few other types of components, have internal trimpots for adjustment by a technician. For proper operation these must be correctly set, and this is done at the factory. In time - especially with the rough handling that guitar pedals are often subject to - these trimpots can become misadjusted, resulting in distortion, improper operation, or no operation at all.


It is virtually impossible to correctly adjust all the trimpots - called "doing an alignment" - without using lab equipment and the proper procedure. An audio oscillator, oscilloscope, the schematic, and the test and alignment procedure for that particular pedal are required, as well as technical training and experience. Attempting an alignment without these essentials usually just makes the problem worse - and more costly to fix!


The most common symptom indicating the need for an alignment is overdrive distortion occurring at too low a signal level. This can also result from weak batteries or an abnormally low power supply voltage, so make sure to check this before sending your pedal for repair.

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550 ms is a lot of time for an analog delay that doesn't have tap tempo.

Thats what they say.

All im saying is it seems that the delayla (which claims to be 500ms) sounds a little longer with delay time maxed out. I had hoped the DMM would delay a little longer...thats all.

Still a kickass pedal! :thu:

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I have a 1978 model (blue/red with 4 knobs) which uses the old SAD1024 bbds, and the delay time is less than 400ms. The repeats are really dirty when playing clean.

I just scored an older model of the black/red version with 5 knobs and the built-in power supply for $100, and I'm waiting for it to arrive in the mail. I predict I'll have to send it to Howard for re-calibrating. Does anyone know what year EHX stopped designing them with the built in power?

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I paid $150 for mine too, but that was right before the whole "discontinued" scare. Quite the score nowadays. Killer buy dude!

Settings wise though, can anybody really stand to have the blend set much past 6:00?



I find timing issues arise with the blend too far up, but you can get yourself totally lost with full blend.


Of course it's best feature (sorry most unusable but enjoyable feature) self oscilliation!!!!

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