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Cool, Useful Pedal combos.

Raoul Duke!

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Hmm, thats cool.

I'm thinking about how filter matrix would sound with tremolo/fuzz/octave/rotary phaser. that'd be kinda crazy...

I'd love to have all the basic modulation so i could {censored} around and make some cool sounds.



filter matrix is leet as {censored} man. i used that to make noise only using my pedals. i propped the guitar up in front of the amp and turned on a bunch of pedals. you know when you turn the feedback knob up on the filter matrix it just drones? Well, i did that through a big muff and a small clone, and used the DS 1 and SD 1 behind it to just give it more loud. it was a good jam, but i thought i broke my amp cuz i tried playing after wards and it sounded like mush. i think i overloaded my amp and my pedals. I couldn't play for a few hours, but it was fine the next day.

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Haha, I never played on filter matrix but it sounded cool.

Ohh I just thought of a new one. You know that sound on Dino Jr's Wagon? The really fast clone theory wanking? Well I was wondering how that sounds with a really fast tremolo and fast phaser...

I also like that sound of a TS9 put before a Big Muff....

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