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Looking For A Couple Of Pedals...


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... From this list (all Boss) as i am planning on making a simple 4 pedal rig for myself. I want a OD, Dist, a EQ (I have that already) and something fun, EG a Chorus or Phaser. The rig needs to be versitile tho as i will eventually get either a Peavey ValveKing Royal 8 or a Orange Tiny Terror and a 1X12 of some-sort.











I have a EG-7 and a DS-1 that could be used, i may also be persuaded to put my SD-1 or DD-6 in the rig as well.


Thanks for any help.

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The CE-5 and CH-1 get good reviews, may try them both to see what one i like best. I was looking at the DS-2 for a distortion, however the fact the second mode got poor reviews has kinda put me off a little. I was thinking about the DD-3, but may not since ive got my DD-6 redundant.

I may not use my DS-1 as i think it sounds kinda thin, but i may take my SD-1 for boosting say a DS-2, also i will be using my GE-7 in the rig.

I was also looking at the PH-3, FZ-5 and DN-2 for some fun alternitves.

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The DS-1 and the GE-7 i currently have are gonna make it to the rig at the moment, the DS-1 with the GE-7 after it sounds awsome, now all i need is a OD from the list and a fun pedal after the GE-7, posibly a Chorus or the PH-3 or TR-2.

Once i get all the pedals together im gonna have to get the size of the board calculated and then get the wood cut and painted and a couple of handles installed and then put the pedals on it and im away. Then i can get a amp for this rig later on.

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(crazy, out there fuzz) -or-
(for a more traditional fuzz) -->

DS-2 --> has both the DS-1 and the option for a lead boost

CE-5 --> can make your power chords sound fuller

DD-3 --> this is one of the most versitile digital delays out there and should most definately be put in your rig!



i'm pretty sure the FZ-3 is just the first mode on the FZ-2. I might be wrong though.

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Is there any opinions on the PH-3 as ive heard its good, but have also head a few bad reviews as well.



The PH-3 is a dog. I'll happily sell you mine !! if you are in UK or Euro for a cheap deal.


It's good in a ''processed phaser' kind of way and can do some neet tricks with the 'Rise' and 'Fall' modes.

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Easy question:


Why are you limiting yourself only to Boss?


I think they make some great pedals, but there are some great, and in many cases, better alternatives out there.


Having said that, these are the Boss pedals I would go for (and they're not all on your list):


OD-3, CE-3, CS-2, FZ-3

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i'm pretty sure the FZ-3 is just the first mode on the FZ-2. I might be wrong though.



The FZ-3 is completely different from either of the FZ-2 fuzz modes.


I'm not sure why you'd buy a CE-3 when you can get a CE-2 for not much more.


Don't buy the TR-2 unless you only want sine-wave trem.

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I'm not sure why you'd buy a CE-3 when you can get a CE-2 for not much more.




You are right about the CE-2- its a sweet pedal for sure, but if you want a Japanese-made one, they usually go for nearly twice the price (or more) of a Japan-made CE-3. Plus, I like that the CE-3 can do stereo. I got mine in awesome condition (made in 1986) for about $45 on Ebay, and it still blows the modern Boss Chorus pedals away, even if its not quite a nice as a CE-2.

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You are right about the CE-2- its a sweet pedal for sure, but if you want a Japanese-made one, they usually go for nearly twice the price (or more) of a Japan-made CE-3. Plus, I like that the CE-3 can do stereo. I got mine in awesome condition (made in 1986) for about $45 on Ebay, and it still blows the modern Boss Chorus pedals away, even if its not quite a nice as a CE-2.

I didn't realize it could do stereo! I retract my previous statement.

Stereo = :love:

I tend to find that Japan/Taiwan {censored} sounds the same though.

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I tend to find that Japan/Taiwan {censored} sounds the same though.

A lot of people seem to find that they are similar, but to my ears, the Japan-made stuff sounds a little thicker to my ears. Otherwise, the effect is almost identical. I have had both versions of the CE-3, and both sound excellent. I sold the Taiwan-made one because it didn't look as cool as the Japanese one, and it sounded slightly thinner. Either way, you can't go wrong though :thu:

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I didn't realize it could do stereo! I retract my previous statement.

Stereo =

I tend to find that Japan/Taiwan {censored} sounds the same though.

hahaha. Everyone hates on CE-3, I think it's ridiculously underated. I've bought two of them for a grand total of 48 dollars, One MIT nd one MIJ. both it amazing condition.

Love it:love:

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Ill answer the question, "why limit myself to Boss" - Simple answer, ever since i saw a express pedal board with 3 Dano pedals on it ive wanted to do the same with either Boss or Ibanez pedals, its an quick rig that you can connect to any amp with any guitar and have versitile and reconisable tones from, i am wanting to put it with a cheap low wattage Class A amp.

So far im decided on getting the OD-3 as ive heard nothing but good on it. I will be putting my GE-7 on it as a EQ can get most tones relitivly quickly with a single good or pair of good OD/Dist boxes. I am undecided on wether to put my SD-1 or my DS-1 in the rig as my DS-1 is OK, but sounds very thin to my ears at times, and thats with the GE-7 before and after it, the SD-1 i love to change OD boosts with my TS-9 in my main 3 faverouite pedals (TS9, SD-1 and EVH Phase 90). I love the fact a chorus can be used to good effect to thicken distortions (Zakk Wylde style) and be awsome for cleans stand out more, i am thinking about the CH-1 as i already have a digitial chorus (Digitech X-Series) that i like, and a analogue one will be good with the overall theme of this rig. Delay wise, i like my DD-6 but i feel it is too much sometimes, i may go for the DD-3 as its no frills and may be what i want.

It al depends on the amp i decide on for this rig, if its got enough gain ill will only want a single OD, so i may be looking at this:

OD-3 > GE-7 > CH-1 > DD-3

If it dosnt have enough gain i may be looking at maybes a OD/Dist that has a little more to it. Allbeit a Boss one, maybes a OS-2 for the harder tones or a re-buy of the MT-2 that most hate, i did, but feel i may have been too hasty to get rid of it, even if i get a second hand one.

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