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Recommend me a Chorus & Delay Pedal


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My collection of pedals is slowly growing and now I am in need of a chorus and a delay pedal.


Right now I'm looking at a EHX Small Clone. It's analog, has true bypass, and is inexpensive, but I don't know how versatile it will be. Another option is the Analogman Chorus. The clips are very impressive and sound great, but it seems expensive. What are some other good chorus pedals?


As far as delay goes, I'm not a huge user. I don't make ambient, or weird noises, I just want a good sounding delay pedal. I've had my eye on the EHX #1 Echo but I haven't heard much feedback on it. Please recommend some other delays.



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The de-7 is a great choice for delay for real cheap.


Chorus wise...and i dont want to sound spamish at all...but I have a maxon cs550 that is probably my fav sounding delay for sale. I just got a Maxon cs-9 pro which is almost the same thing, only smaller...so I'm letting this one go. I hear its a little darker sounding...so I almost want to keep it...but space wise...this other is better for me. It has speed, depth, Mix, AND a delay time...it can get any sound possible...plus its a stereo.

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You could try the Visual Sound H2O. Chorus and delay. I really dig my DLS Chorus~Vib, and I use an old DD5, but if I could do it over I'd probably buy a DE-7. I got my DD5 when it first came out and cost more than the current DD20 price. I keep it because it sounds good and I don't have a need for anything more.

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Yeah, get the Visual Sound. It's a good deal and good sounding and you get both tones from a single pedal.



You could try the Visual Sound H2O. Chorus and delay. I really dig my DLS Chorus~Vib, and I use an old DD5, but if I could do it over I'd probably buy a DE-7. I got my DD5 when it first came out and cost more than the current DD20 price. I keep it because it sounds good and I don't have a need for anything more.


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My collection of pedals is slowly growing and now I am in need of a chorus and a delay pedal.

Right now I'm looking at a EHX Small Clone. It's analog, has true bypass, and is inexpensive, but I don't know how versatile it will be. Another option is the Analogman Chorus. The clips are very impressive and sound great, but it seems expensive. What are some other good chorus pedals?

As far as delay goes, I'm not a huge user. I don't make ambient, or weird noises, I just want a good sounding delay pedal. I've had my eye on the EHX #1 Echo but I haven't heard much feedback on it. Please recommend some other delays.


A Small Clone and DE-7 are the exact pedals I'd get in your position. Not even because they're both under $100, but because they're both really good pedals.

In response to your question on the DE7 sucking tone, it absolutely does not suck tone. Over the past few weeks I've sold off most of my pedals because of tone-suckage. The only ones that WEREN'T sucking tone were my two Ibanez pedals - my DE7 and FZ7 Fuzz. I sold the FZ7 because it was too muddy IMO, and the DE7 currently is my only pedal. I've tested it a few times now - going straight into the amp, and then through the DE7, and it doesn't suck tone at all.

And IIRC, the Small Clone is true-bypass, so that shouldn't be an issue at all. :thu:

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I use a dd-20 and set one of the presets for a nice chorus sound. The only problem is that I can't use chorus and delay together, but the chorus sound that I get out of the dd-20 is really nice by setting the rate fairly low, time at about 5ms, level all the way up and feedback all the way off. I love it! By the way, the delays in the dd-20 are great.

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Yeah the DD-20 seems cool, but a little excessive and expensive for me.

So I know the DE-7 has an Echo and Delay setting, but is the Echo setting supposed to be tape or analog?(it doesn't really matter, I just want to know) I'm looking for a warm sounding delay one that is analog or at least sounds pretty close to analog.

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Yeah the DD-20 seems cool, but a little excessive and expensive for me.

So I know the DE-7 has an Echo and Delay setting, but is the Echo setting supposed to be tape or analog?(it doesn't really matter, I just want to know) I'm looking for a warm sounding delay one that is analog or at least sounds pretty close to analog.



The Echo setting is very analog-sounding. It's still digital, but it sounds really nice. I rarely take my DE7 off of the Echo setting.


The Echo setting can get anything from a short reverb/echo to long delays to full on oscillation.


The Delay mode is just that - a delay. No oscillation, and the delays sound different from the echo mode. They're a bit clearer, where the echo mode actually sounds like an echo and decays as the repeats keep going.

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