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Honestly man, I prefer buying my boards. I like the idea of having a custom fit case, sturdy construction and doesn't take a lot of my time to build. Buying boards has always been worth it to me. A guy I play with on a regular basis has a furman spb-8 from many moons ago and it has held up nicely under years of abuse. They are a bit pricey but if you consider the time it would take you to build, the cost of a case and a good power supply you've spent the same amount of money.

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Unless you plan on flying around with you pedal board DIY is the way to go. I built mine out of spare Lexan we had lying around, so it is pretty much indestructible and super nice looking. I love it and once I find some sorta flight case to fit it I will love it way more. Best part was it cost me all of $3 for some silicone glue.

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DIY for sure. I wouldn't buy a board without at least trying a build first. Unless your fling around the world and even then you can get creative

As far as cost, for mine Ive spent all of 3$ for a long block of wood at home depot. as long as you have a drill your set.

After that you can add
Velcro - less than 10$ m sure
power strip - 10$ or less
1spot - 30$

so far youve spent less than 60$ and you have a decent board that is as big as you need it.

For a little more you could fashion some kind of case for it as well.

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Honestly man, I prefer buying my boards. I like the idea of having a custom fit case, sturdy construction and doesn't take a lot of my time to build. Buying boards has always been worth it to me. A guy I play with on a regular basis has a furman spb-8 from many moons ago and it has held up nicely under years of abuse. They are a bit pricey but if you consider the time it would take you to build, the cost of a case and a good power supply you've spent the same amount of money.



I think this is the way im going to go. I work so much, so i dont have time to build a pedalboard.

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/life as you knew it.

I know it's shallow, but I hate the look of those...

Here was my solution to the pedalboard dilemma: old tweed suitcase ($19 bucks on teh ebay), 2 detachable hinges, reinforce bottom with plywood, add rubber feet and velcro. Add foam inside lid.


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...it just seems to be better to pay for one than have to build one from scratch.



I think you spelled it out right there. If your attitude is one of "have to build" instead of "get to build" then I say just buy one. Some of us get a lot of pleasure out of making stuff, but that's not everyone's cup of tea.

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I think you spelled it out right there. If your attitude is one of "have to build" instead of "get to build" then I say just buy one. Some of us get a lot of pleasure out of making stuff, but that's not everyone's cup of tea.



My current and last one were both made by me, but i just think bought ones would be so much better, cause i seriously have no skill in building, i may get my dad to help out, he's good with building:thu:

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