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Chorus or delay?

The Fury

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I want something to thickin up the sound.

I've been messing with the reverb on my amp and I like what it can do.


But I want to make my gutiar sound huge, epic if you will.

It doesn't have to be practical for a band situation, just sound good for me.


I don't know if I should check out a chrous or perhaps a tight delay?


I have no idea, any help is greatly appreciated.


BTW I'm using a strat with my rig below.

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definetly delay of some sort.


depending on your budget you could do alot. if you want huge epic sounds, my personal recommendation is a boss rv-3 which is reverb and delay and can do fun combinations of both.


if you have the money and the real estate, check out the ehx deluxe memory man or the new stereo memory man, both are extremely capable and fun.

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can get you a great 3d-sound

check out
boss dd-20 - that's mine, I almost exclusively use the modulation delay cause it sounds great, both ways, if dial in just a little bit or much of it

or analogue devices:
diamond memory lane (can't afford that one although I'd love to)
jaques prisoner (quite inexpensive over here in europe, produced in france)

have fun!

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Delay used wisely is the way to go to thicken your sound! I would advise to stay away from the DD-20 as it is a tone sucking beast but the delays sound good! Look for something that is more transparent with true bypass. Depends if you are looking for digital or analog. I love the Eventide Timefactor...stellar!

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g&l strat/parker p-40/steinberger>seymour d. booster>jaques comp>crybaby>mek td-2/rodenberg gas 909/ds-1/ff/dist+>whammy>
ehx worm
dd-20>digitech rev>rc-20>crate vc30/brunetti star-t-rack

setup under construction - always.

Wow, another EHX Worm user on HCFX :thu: I can count them on one hand.

There are plenty of great pedals out there that have both delay and chorus: DMM, SMMH, DD-20!

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or analogue devices:

diamond memory lane (can't afford that one although I'd love to)

Its modulation really does wonders to a clean tone. I never really used it much with dirt, but when I owned one it was always on when I was playing clean. The only thing I didn't like about it was the oscillation.

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chorus prejudice
I wondered why you didn't have one in your setup.

Hey, I'm only kidding!

I had a Small Clone for a long time on my board! I've just found that I have little use for it these days, but I'll hang onto it of course.

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Buy a DD-20.

It's a nice delay.

Use the B input and output.

Put it on modulate mode. 1ms, 0 feedback.

Adjust rate and depth to taste.

Now you have a really nice chorus setting on it.

Decide if you want delay, chorus, or both.

Play with the feedback and delay time and you can get a pretty nice flange going.

Sell it if you want, they have pretty good resale.

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get a delay with modulation...then you'll have both delay n chorus + the ability to get even more effects



. . . chorus or dalay you ask ? GET BOTH !!!




I think your tone needs a DeLuxe memory Man :idea: . . .


. . . look at the 1st clip and tell me you can not use it :thu:





It has, chorus, flange and it's own DRIVE features :evil:


And it is all-ANALOG :love:





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The Visual Sound h2o has chorus and echo in one unit

Hey guys,

I'd say +1 for the Visual Sound H2O chorus/echo pedal. I use mine in the effects loop of my VHT Pitbull 45/12 1x12 combo amp and it covers my effects need quite well. The delay has a nice warm tone to it and the chorus can do the Boss CE-2 swirl & a pretty good Leslie imitation. I don't have to worry about my old Boss CE-2 chorus or my Analogman DD-2 Hi-Cut mod digital delay getting stolen now if I go to rehearsal or gigs.

Guitar George

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If you really want to have a huge 3D sound your best bet is to get a second amp or another cab/speaker to connect to your current amp. Set the amp/speakers on different sides of the room. This will give you a nice full 3D sound. If you do have the luxury of a second amp or a power amp to slave to you can have a wet/dry setup with one amp having delay and the other not. Or you could get a DD-5 and have panning delay. Either way this method of spreading out the sound really adds depth, with delay even more so.

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