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well not all drummers, but my drummer is a {censored}in asshole, he joined another band and didnt tell us (our band), and i dont care what he does, but i've known him for 5 years so it sucks he doesnt have the balls to come up and be honest,


i know things have been rough for the band lately (we kicked out our singer, and our bassist quit) but we were auditioning a couple of singers per week, some bassists wanna audition, oh well i guess he didnt wanna do any work finding a singer and a bassist, so he joined a band that was looking for a drummer and has shows coming up


{censored}!!!! i hate that {censored}in asshole!!!

he ditched us on tuesday because "he couldnt make it to practice" but the next day we found out he went to practice with the other band, so he called me and said he could practice on saturday, but the {censored}er got there (late) took his drumset and left in a hurry because he had to go back to work and his little brother was gonna use his drums, but today, i just found out he didnt go back to work, he took his drumset to go practice with the other band!


ok, i feel better now.. not really :(



whats up guys!?

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its not drummers, our bands drummer is a legend, ive known him for bout 7 years, childhood friends and hes a {censored}ing good drummer, at the end of our jams we get pissed turn on a tape recorder and make up wacked {censored}, hes better pissed than sober hahaha!!

a little of topic.

yeah its not drummers, its just some people are jerks

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Yeah, my band entered a compitition and our drummer left school knowing you needed all members to be enrolled in a school jo play,


luckily i am more a drummer than a guitarist, so i played and we ended up getting into the second round.


drummers always seem to be the less commited members, thats why i am not the guitarist!

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The drummer that I used to play with in a band was a real tool when it came to playing in a band with him. As a person he's pretty cool, but when it came to working with him in a band, it sucked. He would bitch about my riffs being too simplistic, how everything I wrote was in 4/4, and not in some odd time signature which he's obsessed with. He would do sneaky {censored} behind our backs too. He would bring in people to audition for us, without notifying the other memebers beforehand. He also would goof off too much on his drums during practice, and not focus enough on our songs. At least the band that he's in now doesn't take his {censored}, and keeps him in line with his playing and attitude.

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my drummer is also my best friend, but he can be extremely annoying when we are playing. he won't play certain {censored}, even if he likes the song. he's always saying "you're amp sucks" and {censored} like that and hates my pedalboard. '{censored} the pedals man.... etc, etc"


hell of a drummer though. he's better when he's on xanax for some reason

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To all you guys bashing drummers, don't take out a few guys being assholes or flakes on an entire group of musicians.


I play guitar, bass, and drums. And, because I frequent boards here on HC for each, I see TONS of stuff like this on all of them. Guitarists bashing drummers and bassists, bassists bashing drummers and, as they call us over on the HCBF, "guitards," and drummers bashing guitarists and bassists.


It's a vicious circle with a lot of bands, it seems. Each musician looks down on another type of musician for whatever reason. They really don't comprehend that it's just as hard to play one instrument as it is to play another.

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Sounds about right, drummers are all nutjobs. its on about the same level as being a goalie in hockey. Some day they're going to use some intuitive ai to make a good drum machine, and we'll send all those crazy worthless bastards to an island somewhere.



Well if thats the way you want it , have fun w/ your drum machine buddy.

All us drummers could use a vacation , and we could have some nice drum jams on the beach......If the shoe was on the other foot and we could get a good guitar sound out of a keyboard , or train monkeys to strum and solo... then I'd like you to think of that island full of guitarists , trying to stay in tune w/ the moist salty air , impatiently waiting their turn to solo , wondering why no one is looking at them , and trying to convince others to try out the Bass.


I like guitarists , and I'm not saying all drummers are great people and great players , but I am saying people in glass houses should throw amplifiers.


Gusvolta - sorry your buddy didn't man up and tell you sooner , but from the condition your band was in can you really blame him for bailing. Confront him about being shady on that issue and maybe he'll apologize and you guys can at least get along.

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Well if thats the way you want it , have fun w/ your drum machine buddy.

All us drummers could use a vacation , and we could have some nice drum jams on the beach......If the shoe was on the other foot and we could get a good guitar sound out of a keyboard , or train monkeys to strum and solo... then I'd like you to think of that island full of guitarists , trying to stay in tune w/ the moist salty air ,
impatiently waiting their turn to solo , wondering why no one is looking at them , and trying to convince others to try out the Bass.


I like guitarists , and I'm not saying all drummers are great people and great players , but I am saying people in glass houses should throw amplifiers.

Gusvolta - sorry your buddy didn't man up and tell you sooner , but from the condition your band was in can you really blame him for bailing. Confront him about being shady on that issue and maybe he'll apologize and you guys can at least get along.


That's another thing I don't get - what's with wanting to be way out in front? What's so damned great about being the center of attention? Even as a guitarist I don't want attention. I want the music to be the focus. Not some horse's ass wanking away on a guitar neck.


Maybe I'm just an oddball. :idk:

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To all you guys bashing drummers, don't take out a few guys being assholes or flakes on an entire group of musicians.

I play guitar, bass, and drums. And, because I frequent boards here on HC for each, I see TONS of stuff like this on all of them. Guitarists bashing drummers and bassists, bassists bashing drummers and, as they call us over on the HCBF, "guitards," and drummers bashing guitarists and bassists.

It's a vicious circle with a lot of bands, it seems. Each musician looks down on another type of musician for whatever reason. They really don't comprehend that it's just as hard to play one instrument as it is to play another.


Very true. We all know deep down under that us MUSICIANS are on the same team, and really singers are always the nutcases.



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Sounds about right, drummers are all nutjobs. its on about the same level as being a goalie in hockey. Some day they're going to use some intuitive ai to make a good drum machine, and we'll send all those crazy worthless bastards to an island somewhere.



You are a {censored}. (i play drums and im not a nutjob)

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Hahahaha, Im a drummer who has done this multiple times. I want to see this guy in the future, ever looking to change jobs, and coming out and telling his boss that he is looking around and planning to quit before his next job is lined up. You know, being stupid... I mean: "up front and honest". Guess thats where all the jobless guitar beach bums come from. But in this thread's case, it would be a bunch of whiney emo bums, and they dont like the beach.

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