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is tonefrenzy.com legit?


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I am considering buying a used pedal from tonefrenzy.com. Is it still a legitimate site? Their website says "1999-2004", which seems mildly archaic to me, they don't have their phone numbers or address anywhere on the site, and I can't find any recent (2006 or 2007) purchaser's reviews here or anywhere on the net. All these guys are from 2005 or earlier:



Does anyone have experience buying from them lately?

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This situation with tonefrenzy is feeling sketchier with every passing day. It has been 12 days now since I ordered an Electro-Harmonix hotfoot from tonefrenzy.com, and I have not received the Hotfoot yet, nor a tracking number, nor any emails from Jeff, except an automated one sent immediately after I placed my order, that said the following plus my order info:

"We will be in touch as soon as possible about your order, the details of which are as follows:"...


Twelve days does not qualify as "as soon as possible," IMO.


If anyone, such as ZVex, has Jeff's contact info could you please give him a call and remind him about my order, or give me his contact info, other than his email addresses (mrjeffdeeATyahooDOTcom or jeffATtonefrenzyDOTcom)?

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I'm sorry you're running into some issues with Jeff Dee.


I bought my ZV Machine and a Boston Strangler attenuator from him several years ago, and he was very helpful. I hope this gets sorted out soon and you get your pedal.



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I've never bought from him, but I used to visit his website very often when i entered pedaldom, and it was the best web site for that : trippy and helpfull (funny atricles, great clips : the Klon clip is the best i've heard ever, and no, its not a sweaty bluesy riff).


not hard to read beetween the line that the guy is passionate, knows to write and has great music taste.



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I used to visit his website very often when i entered pedaldom, and it was the best web site for that : trippy and helpfull (funny atricles, great clips : the Klon clip is the best i've heard ever, and no, its not a sweaty bluesy riff).



That's why I bought my Machine from him -- I felt that I owed him my business after using so much of his bandwidth checking out pedals.




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where is it? cant see it on the site?


It's in the "Audio Demos" part of the site, almost everything is there







Edit : I love this part, about the sound of the Machine, and the metal heads guys, brilliant !, zvex should'have use this to be understood from the trolls againts the BOM ;) :


"OK: Ever see a dog really attack something? Ever have one of those little bastards bite you? Once they're satisfied their teeth have penetrated your soft flesh; enough to do real damage, they shake their heads hard, and fast: instinctually anticipating the taste of BLOOD: ARRRRRRGGRR! GRRRRhhh! GHHHHhhggh! (We thought a few Metal Heads might be checking this particular write-up, we wanted to have a little something to make you guys feel at home, and welcome)! After all that restraint on the first sample;" (from tonefrenzy)

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It's in the "Audio Demos" part of the site, almost everything is there



Edit : I love this part, about the sound of the Machine, and the metal heads guys, brilliant !, zvex should'have use this to be understood from the trolls againts the BOM

"OK: Ever see a dog really attack something? Ever have one of those little bastards bite you? Once they're satisfied their teeth have penetrated your soft flesh; enough to do real damage, they shake their heads hard, and fast: instinctually anticipating the taste of BLOOD: ARRRRRRGGRR! GRRRRhhh! GHHHHhhggh! (We thought a few Metal Heads might be checking this particular write-up, we wanted to have a little something to make you guys feel at home, and welcome)! After all that restraint on the first sample;"
(from tonefrenzy)


Damn I really wanted to hear the mp3 after reading that!

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UPDATE: Received my Hot-foot, in good condition. Thanks Jeff!



Glad everything worked out. I traded Jeff a Hot-foot for a Fuzz Factory a few years ago. Jeff was great to deal with. I loved the HF with my Electric Mistress and on a DMM. Great pedal. Hope you like it!

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