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analog delay pedal for around $90

Sir Punk

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That pedal sounds good. And it's cheap. Wow.




Another thing that I like about the Electro-Glide is that of all my delays [and I have several],it keeps the original guitar's tone out front of the delay sound...even with the mix up full [especially when used in my amp's fx loop].It almost sounds like the dry/wet mix that one might hear on a really good '70's classic rock record.I am really rather surprised that Righteous Tones pedals are not better know by more guitarist...and at just $84.99 a piece,they are real bargains.



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.It almost sounds like the dry/wet mix that one might hear on a really good '70's classic rock record.I am really rather surprised that Righteous Tones pedals are not better know by more guitarist...and at just $84.99 a piece,they are real bargains.




that's good to know, especially for me that I will run in front. At this point I am really tempted. it is 85 + shipping. I am torn between that and buy both the ad9 and the fx90. the electro is impossible to find used. what other delays do you have?

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that's good to know, especially for me that I will run in front. At this point I am really tempted. it is 85 + shipping. I am torn between that and buy both the ad9 and the fx90. the electro is impossible to find used. what other delays do you have?




Btw,the S&H is $12.00 to the states.The delay really does sound superb,is quiet and is well built.As for my other delays,they include a Boss DD-20,a Guyatone MD-3 Micro Delay,a Digitech Digidelay,a Nobels DD-800,a Boss RV-3 Reverb/Delay,a Rocktron Short Timer and an early '90's ART rack unit.I guess that one could say that I'm a bit of a delay freak.



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that guyatone md-3 seems very interesting. how do you like that? I'd have to try it though. I'd love to try one of those '80 guyatone delays.



The MD-3 is a very clean sounding unit,with the repeats [up to 2.6ms] sounding very close to the original note.I wouldn't exactly call it "vintage" sounding or very warm...but it's great at what it does.


Btw,the Nobels DD-800 is a cool under the rader option,as it has a tone/voicing control that can mix from both modern digital to vintage analog tape tones.Plus,as ones turns the mix towards analog tape,the amount of the available repeats drops accordingly.I like it set to analog tape 65%/digital 35%.Oh yeah,it also offers up to 800ms of delay time.I bought mine new for $79.99.



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I'm trying to resume this thread because I got the fx90, I like it but when you get around the 300ms it muddies the sound to much. so now I am thinking of spending maybe around $150. All I really want is an analog delay with true-bypass and that can get to 500ms wiithout compromise the tone, I don't need 20 repeats. just clean, warm. that's all I ask.


suggestions? how is the boss analog delay?

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where were you going to get an FX90 for $40?

i mean.. if you don't want it i do

if you read my last post you would have noticed that I already got it.

Edman, the EG is an option, I just can't figure out if it has a true bypass and if it has a DA/AD or is it true analog.

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500ms all analog for $150 doesnt leave you many options.


Used is going to be your only option, you could get lucky with a DMM maybe. They are advertised as 550ms, probably closer to 450ms without the Howard Davis treatment.


Other then that you are looking at the many 300ms options available, or spending $200 or more.

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if you read my last post you would have noticed that I already got it.

Edman, the EG is an option, I just can't figure out if it has a true bypass and if it has a DA/AD or is it true analog.




It is true bypass and digital,but to my ears sounds every bit as analog as my old Morley and Washburn analog delays.If you need more info,Jeff is great about returning emails.



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Check out the Righteous Tones Electro-Glide echo/delay.I really dig mine for it's warm and defused repeats and sturdy construction.Jeff at Righteous Tones designed the pedal after the classic Ibanez AD-80 analog delay.The Electro-Glide offers 800ms of analog voiced delay time with true bypass switching for only $84.99.




That looks just like...


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That looks just like...



While the metal case may be the same,I have some doubt that the circuit is such.Plus the dual function switch is not on the Electro-Glide.Another reason that I have some doubt is that Jeff's Asian built pedals are of the same design/circuit of his formerly hand built "boutique" pedals of a few years back.Also,Jeff has his wife's [who is from China] brother lead a small group of builders of his original pedal designs.In fact,he will spend weeks over in the Chinese facility to make sure that the proper componants and build quality continue to be up to his high standards.Jeff raves about their attention to detail and their desire to build a great product.I know this info because of a couple of phone conversations that Jeff and I have had in the past.Of course he since could have sold the circuit design rights to another company,as well.



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