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Beating a Dead Horse: Tremolo content


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So...Not the Seek Trem...and not the semaphore....are there any tremolos that are that sized, but the box isn't that direction. I need it tall, not longways, and the controls on the seek trem and semaphore are hard to get to turned that way in betweeen pedals. I need it basically to do the helicopter type sound...but to do regular trem styles would be good too. I'm tight on space on my pt2, so the tap a whirl and empress are out. Red witch is probably too big. I'm thinking...for size the line 6 would fit...but i'd like to stay away from it. Maybe the tremolescence? anyone know if it does the helicopter and/or a general review of it? Other options are encouraged and welcomed.

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So...Not the Seek Trem...and not the semaphore....are there any tremolos that are that sized, but the box isn't that direction. I need it tall, not longways, and the controls on the seek trem and semaphore are hard to get to turned that way in betweeen pedals. I need it basically to do the helicopter type sound...but to do regular trem styles would be good too. I'm tight on space on my pt2, so the tap a whirl and empress are out. Red witch is probably too big. I'm thinking...for size the line 6 would fit...but i'd like to stay away from it. Maybe the tremolescence? anyone know if it does the helicopter and/or a general review of it? Other options are encouraged and welcomed.



VL trem does a great chopper sound.




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