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how could the boss rc2 looper be improved?


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As you know, i love my rc2 which i think is the best looper with the best features for the money. It can't be beat for the price. If you know of a better looper at this price, tell me ;) Although it is a great looper, i think there are things that could be improved. So this thread is for suggestions.


okay i'll go first.

1. Mix knob to control the wet/dry volume.

2. (related to #1) improve the tone suckage. There is a volume drop of the dry signal

3. midi out? this is asking too much i think :p

4. loop modulation. Again i think this is asking too much!

5. more realistic percussions

6. (related to #5) add percussion fills to change this up a little

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I think a used standard rc-20 certainly rivals the rc-2.

They commonly go for 150~

it's essentially the same features, I just enjoy the spread out feel, and you can find them for the same price if not cheaper than rc-2s(or could when I bought mine)



yeah no doubt, but I'm talking new prices. The rc20xl is also twice the size.

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Dual inputs on the RC-20 .... vocal loops anyone?


I've got one ... but the only reason I'd bump up to the XL is for the ever-so-handy UNDO feature. Don't like your last addition to the the loop? That's cool. UNDO. The XL TRIPLES the loop time too ... but who the hell loops for 15 minutes?


The RC-2 is smaller, sure... but I'm not sure that it

is the best looper with the best features for the money


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