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Does it piss you off when a cheaper pedal knocks a more expensive one off your board?


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After much rearranging I had to admit to my self that my Trinagle Muff clone works better in my chain then my Mayo. I don't know why this upsets me but it does. I guess I just hate to have a $200 pedal sitting around off my board. I already have the Beavis Audio Danger Muff Proto off my board and I can't bare to sell either. Errrr.

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Is that your personalized Mayo?

i've had that happen some -- if it's something I don't want to sell, I just keep it when I don't want to bring the whole board but if it's too expensive to keep and it's not being used on the board (like my Moog R'Mod that I was just using as a trem), I just sell and buy something else!


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Is that your personalized Mayo?

i've had that happen some -- if it's something I don't want to sell, I just keep it when I don't want to bring the whole board but if it's too expensive to keep and it's not being used on the board (like my Moog R'Mod that I was just using as a trem), I just sell and buy something else!


Yep. I love it buy it's self but on my board the cheap Triangle Clone sounds better. Mabye the Mayo and UFO don't like each other IDK. HTe only thing I would ever sell my Mayo to buy would be my first Mayo back. It was custom done to sound like a cross between a Mayo and Zero. Even Skreddy forgot what he did to it.

Have you seen this Mayo? PM me!!

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I find it ironic, yes, but I don't get upset.


For example, although it's not to the extremes you're talking about, I used to have a Marshall Guv'nor+ pedal. It was decent, but sucked tone pretty bad. Now, it was an $80 pedal new, so I expected great things. Stupidly, I bought it over ordering a RAT or Big Muff. :rolleyes:


Anyway, I ended up selling it for about $60 and took the $20 hit. And, with that $60, I needed another OD. I went for a Double-Muff. Cheap and simple. I was expecting it to at the absolute worst, just be a boost. Instead, it's a GREAT low-mid-high gain fuzzy OD. Extremely responsive, true-bypass, batteries last MONTHS in it, and it's really good quality. For ~$50 compared to the $80 Marshall.


Technically, it didn't knock the Marshall off the board, but if I had gotten it sooner, it most definitely would have.

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yeah, the MXR dist3 took my OCDs place on the board. its similar gainwise and doesnt have the unavoidable shrill treble tone.

Does the Dist3 suck any tone? I'd love some more MXR pedals, but damn it - I'm gun-shy after how bad my RI Phase 90 sucked tone.

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HELL NO. true bypass like a mother{censored}er.

i agree most MXR have awful bypass. the dist3 and atleast 1 or 2 other MXR are actually true bypass.

Nice. I'll have to get one. I need a good, normal dirt box.

Any idea what the other TB MXR's are?

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I love it when I can replace an expensive pedal with a cheaper one, but I'm a cheap ass, too.

I didn't know Nitefly was going to be selling some triangle clones. I hope he posts how much. I might have to get yet another muff if I have some money.

I guess when you have a couple of pedals that are the same type, eventually the more expensive one will find some time off the board. I currently have six fuzz pedals, three of them muffs. I don't think I'll be using them all at once.

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Actually, I love it when a cheaper pedal knocks a more expensive one off my board. More money to spend on other gear.


Definitely. Just sell the worse-r sounding pedal and tadah you have more $$ to spend on everything else.


The title *should* be - "Does it piss you off when non-boutique manufacturers don't make better sounding pedals"




Honestly, for the $$ the rake in; they could always spend more on research & development to make better sounding pedals and kill off the boutique market; although I suppose the boutique market probably doesn't take too big a chunk of their pie. If I was the dictator-of-the-world, I'd make everything cost for what it's worth (whoo for forced communism with a slight touch of capitalism)!


(Ah, don't mind me - I'm just rambling :blah:)

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I could definitely see how something like a Muff clone replacing a Mayo is frustrating. I mean, you dish out all that money for a pedal that, while good, isn't the best tool for the job. But hey, if you like the Mayo, there's nothing wrong with holding on to it. There certainly isn't any obligation to liquify your extraneous pedal collection, right?

With that said, most of my pedals are pretty cheap and it's been at least a couple years since I've bought a new one. With that said, it's a rare day when a cheaper pedal comes around :o.

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After much rearranging I had to admit to my self that my Trinagle Muff clone works better in my chain then my Mayo. I don't know why this upsets me but it does. I guess I just hate to have a $200 pedal sitting around off my board. I already have the Beavis Audio Danger Muff Proto off my board and I can't bare to sell either. Errrr.

actually that feels pretty good, caus eyou can now trade that pedal for something else...


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Definitely. Just sell the worse-r sounding pedal and tadah you have more $$ to spend on everything else.

The title *should* be - "Does it piss you off when non-boutique manufacturers don't make better sounding pedals"


Honestly, for the $$ the rake in; they could always spend more on research & development to make better sounding pedals and kill off the boutique market; although I suppose the boutique market probably doesn't take too big a chunk of their pie. If I was the dictator-of-the-world, I'd make everything cost for what it's worth (whoo for forced communism with a slight touch of capitalism)!

(Ah, don't mind me - I'm just rambling

Oh no. I'm not at all bashing Skreddy. The Mayo is awsome and worth every penny! The Triangle clone and Mayo are just different. The Triangle seems to sound better to me with all my pedals hooked up.

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what amp are you using? Sometimes this affects the tone greatly, at least for the mayo that is what skreddy said..



Very true! I run a Fuchs Lucky Seven and Fender Musicmaster in stereo. The Musicmaster is a big reason the Triangle works better. It's more "loose" sounding while the Mayo has more "crunch". The Musicmaster likes the "loose" sound better for some reason.

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